************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE PARAMETERS: change editable parameters here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** /congruentStim = "heart" /incongruentStim = "flower" /minPracticeACC = 0.75 /maxPracticeRepeats = 3 /numberPracticeTrials = 8 /numberTestTrials = 20 /stimDuration_simpleBlock = 5000 /stimDuration_mixedBlock = 6000 /iti = 1000 /picSize = 10% /fixationSize = 15% /left_x = 30% /right_x = 70% /leftkey = 30 /leftkey_label = "A" /rightkey = 38 /rightkey_label = "L" ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE STIMULI ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EDITABLE INSTRUCTIONS: change instructions here ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = black / screencolor = white / windowsize = (100%, 100%) / items = ("Welcome!") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 10%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 10%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 12%) / items = ("heart.jpg") / position = (50%, 15%) / size = (12%, 12%) / items = ("We will you show you hearts!") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 25%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 8%) / items = ("The hearts can appear on the left or the right") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 75%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 8%) / items = ("press one of the two buttons now") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 90%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 8%) / items = ("press the '<%parameters.leftkey_label%>' button now") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 90%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 8%) / items = ("press the '<%parameters.rightkey_label%>' button now") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 90%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 8%) / items = ("If you see the heart: Press the button on the same side as the heart") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 15%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 20%) / items = ("If you see the heart on this side: press this button") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 75%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 20%) / items = ("Are you ready to play? ~n~nRemember: Press the button on the same side as you see the heart. Try to be fast to press the correct button. ~n~nPress one of the two buttons to start practice") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 50%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 60%) / items = ("Let's change the game!") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 10%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 8%) / items = ("flower.jpg") / position = (50%, 15%) / size = (12%, 12%) / items = ("We will you show you flowers now!") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 25%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 8%) / items = ("The flowers can appear on the left or the right") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 75%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 8%) / items = ("If you see the flower: Press the button on the OPPOSITE side of the flower") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 15%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 20%) / items = ("If you see the flower on this side: press that button over there") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 75%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 20%) / items = ("Are you ready to play? ~n~nRemember: Press the button on the OPPOSITE side of the flower. Try to be fast to press the correct button. ~n~nPress one of the two buttons to start practice") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 50%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 60%) / items = ("Let's put it all together!") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 10%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 8%) / items = ("heartflower.jpg") / position = (50%, 15%) / size = (12%, 12%) / items = ("We will you show you hearts AND flowers now!") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 25%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 12%) / items = ("The flowers and hearts can appear on the left or the right") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 75%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 8%) / items = ("Are you ready to play? ~n~nRemember: Press the button on the SAME side as the HEART Press the button on the OPPOSITE side of the FLOWER. Try to be fast to press the correct button. ~n~nPress one of the two buttons to start practice") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 50%) / vjustify = center / size = (90%, 80%) / items = ("press the button on the same side") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 65%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 10%) /items = ("heart_press.wav") / playthrough = true / items = ("press the button on the opposite side") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 65%) / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 10%) /items = ("flower_press_overthere.wav") / playthrough = true /items = ("posfeedback.jpg") / position = (50%, 70%) / size = (20%, 20%) / items = ("goodjob.wav") / playthrough = true / items = ("Try to be faster next time") / position = (50%, 30%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / size = (80%, 10%) / vjustify = center / txcolor = blue /items = ("Let's play some more! But this time the computer will not tell you whether you were right.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 15%) / size = (80%, 30%) / vjustify = center /items = ("Press one of the two buttons to start") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 90%) / size = (80%, 30%) / vjustify = center / items = ("Thank you!") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 50%) / size = (80%, 80%) / vjustify = center / items = ("") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 90%) / size = (80%, 5%) / vjustify = center ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** INCLUDE: the following helper scripts include visual/text stimuli specific to devices with and without external keyboards ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** / precondition = [ computer.haskeyboard ] / file = "heartsandflowers_instructions_keyboard.iqx" / precondition = [ !computer.haskeyboard ] / file = "heartsandflowers_instructions_touchscreen.iqx" ************************************************************************************************************** !!!REMAINING CODE: Customize after careful consideration only!!! ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DEFAULTS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** script requires Inquisit or higher /canvasaspectratio = (4,3) /minimumversion = "" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) /txbgcolor = white / txcolor = black / screencolor = white ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** DATA ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Note: data file explanations under User Manual Information at the top To change from one data file per participant to one data file for all participants, set /separatefiles = false *********************** raw data file *********************** / separatefiles = true / columns = (build, computer.platform, date, time, subject, group, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, values.condition, values.position, values.congruence, values.prevCongruence, values.switch, values.countSwitch, stimulusitem, response, correct, latency, list.ACC_practice.mean, values.countCongruent, values.countIncongruent, values.countMixed) *********************** summary data file *********************** /columns = (script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.groupid, script.elapsedtime, computer.platform, values.completed, values.countCongruent, values.practiceACC_congruent, values.passCongruent, values.countIncongruent, values.practiceACC_incongruent, values.passInCongruent, values.countMixed, values.practiceACC_mixed, values.passMixed, expressions.propCorrect, expressions.meanRT, expressions.propCorrect_congruent, expressions.meanRT_congruent, expressions.propCorrect_incongruent, expressions.meanRT_incongruent, expressions.propCorrect_mixed, expressions.meanRT_mixed, expressions.propCorrect_switch, expressions.meanRT_switch, expressions.propCorrect_nonswitch, expressions.meanRT_nonswitch, ) / separatefiles = true ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** VALUES: automatically updated ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** /completed: 0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run) /condition: 1 = congruent-only; 2 = incongruent-only; 3 = mixed /congruence: 1 = congruent trial; 2 = incongruent trial /stimDuration: the current stim duration (= response timeout) in ms /position: 1 = stimulus is positioned on the left; 2 = stimulus is positioned on the right /prevCongruence: the congruence of the previous trial (important for mixed condition only) /switch: 1 = switch trial (trial type changed from congruent to incongruent or vice versa); 2 = nonswitch trial (trial type stayed the same) /countSwitch: counts the number of switch trials per block /selectTaskInstructions: helper variable to select the correct task instructions/reminder /passCongruent: 1 = participant successfully passed the congruent practice; 0 = otherwise /passInCongruent: 1 = participant successfully passed the incongruent practice; 0 = otherwise /passMixed: 1 = participant successfully passed the mixed practice; 0 = otherwise /practiceACC_congruent: the highest proportion correct in one of the congruent practice blocks (if not run, propCorrect = 0) /practiceACC_incongruent: the highest proportion correct in one of the incongruent practice blocks (if not run, propCorrect = 0) /practiceACC_mixed: the highest proportion correct in one of the mixed practice blocks (if not run, propCorrect = 0) /countCongruent: counts the number of congruent practice blocks run /countIncongruent: counts the number of incongruent practice blocks run /countMixed: counts the number of mixed practice blocks run /completed = 0 /condition = 1 /congruence = 0 /stimDuration = 0 /position = 0 /prevCongruence = 0 /switch = 0 /countSwitch = 0 /selectTaskInstructions = 3 /passCongruent = 0 /passInCongruent = 0 /passMixed = 0 /practiceACC_congruent = 0 /practiceACC_incongruent = 0 /practiceACC_mixed = 0 /countCongruent = 0 /countIncongruent = 0 /countMixed = 0 ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EXPRESSIONS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** /propCorrect: proportion correct across all test trials /meanRT: mean latency of correct responses across all test trials /propCorrect_congruent: proportion correct across congruent-only test trials /meanRT_congruent: mean latency of correct responses across congruent-only test trials /propCorrect_incongruent: proportion correct across incongruent-only test trials /meanRT_incongruent: mean latency of correct responses across incongruent-only test trials /propCorrect_mixed: proportion correct across test trials in mixed block /meanRT_mixed: mean latency of correct responses across test trials in mixed block /propCorrect_switch: proportion correct across switch trials in mixed block /meanRT_switch: mean latency of correct responses across switch test trials in mixed block switch trial: switch from congruent to incongruent trial and vice versa /propCorrect_nonswitch: proportion correct across nonswitch trials in mixed block /meanRT_nonswitch: mean latency of correct responses across nonswitch test trials in mixed block /propCorrect = list.ACC.mean /meanRT = list.RT.mean /propCorrect_congruent = list.ACC_congruent.mean /meanRT_congruent = list.RT_congruent.mean /propCorrect_incongruent = list.ACC_incongruent.mean /meanRT_incongruent = list.RT_incongruent.mean /propCorrect_mixed = list.ACC_mixed.mean /meanRT_mixed = list.RT_mixed.mean /propCorrect_switch = list.ACC_switch.mean /meanRT_switch = list.RT_switch.mean /propCorrect_nonswitch = list.ACC_nonswitch.mean /meanRT_nonswitch = list.RT_nonswitch.mean ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** / stimulustimes = [ 0 = welcome, fingerplacement, fingerplacementPic; 3000 = continueLeft, fingerplacementleft; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (parameters.leftkey) / response = correct / beginresponsetime = 3000 / recorddata = false / stimulustimes = [ 0 = intro_congruent, heartmoving; 2000 = intro2_congruent; ] / timeout = 10000 / recorddata = false / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (noresponse) / response = correct / stimulustimes = [ 0 = continueRight, fingerplacementright; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (parameters.rightkey) / response = correct / recorddata = false / stimulustimes = [ 0 = congruentTask, leftheart; 2000 = congruentTask2, pressleft_congruent; 5000 = continueLeft; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (parameters.leftkey) / response = correct / recorddata = false / stimulustimes = [ 0 = congruentTask, rightheart; 2000 = congruentTask2, pressright_congruent; 5000 = continueRight; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (parameters.rightkey) / response = correct / recorddata = false / stimulustimes = [ 0 = PracticeStart_congruent, heart; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / recorddata = false / stimulustimes = [ 0 = ChangeGame, fingerplacement, fingerplacementPic; 3000 = continueLeft, fingerplacementleft; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (parameters.leftkey) / response = correct / beginresponsetime = 3000 / recorddata = false / stimulustimes = [ 0 = intro_incongruent, flowermoving; 2000 = intro2_incongruent; ] / timeout = 10000 / recorddata = false / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (noresponse) / response = correct / stimulustimes = [ 0 = continueRight, fingerplacementright; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (parameters.rightkey) / response = correct / recorddata = false / stimulustimes = [ 0 = incongruentTask, rightflower; 2000 = incongruentTask2, pressleft_incongruent; 5000 = continueLeft; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (parameters.leftkey) / response = correct / recorddata = false / stimulustimes = [ 0 = incongruentTask, leftflower; 2000 = incongruentTask2, pressright_incongruent; 5000 = continueRight; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (parameters.rightkey) / response = correct / recorddata = false / stimulustimes = [ 0 = PracticeStart_incongruent, flower; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / recorddata = false / stimulustimes = [ 0 = MixedGame, fingerplacement, fingerplacementPic; 3000 = continueLeft, fingerplacementleft; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (parameters.leftkey) / response = correct / beginresponsetime = 3000 / recorddata = false / stimulustimes = [ 0 = intro_mixed, mixedmoving; 2000 = intro2_mixed; ] / timeout = 10000 / recorddata = false / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (noresponse) / response = correct / stimulustimes = [ 0 = continueRight, fingerplacementright; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (parameters.rightkey) / response = correct / recorddata = false / stimulustimes = [ 0 = congruentTask, leftheart; 2000 = congruentTask2, pressleft_congruent; 5000 = continueLeft; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (parameters.leftkey) / response = correct / recorddata = false / stimulustimes = [ 0 = congruentTask, rightheart; 2000 = congruentTask2, pressright_congruent; 5000 = continueRight; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (parameters.rightkey) / response = correct / recorddata = false / stimulustimes = [ 0 = incongruentTask, rightflower; 2000 = incongruentTask2, pressleft_incongruent; 5000 = continueLeft; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (parameters.leftkey) / response = correct / recorddata = false / stimulustimes = [ 0 = incongruentTask, leftflower; 2000 = incongruentTask2, pressright_incongruent; 5000 = continueRight; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (parameters.rightkey) / response = correct / recorddata = false / stimulustimes = [ 0 = PracticeStart_mixed, heartflower; ] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / recorddata = false / stimulusframes = [1 = teststart, fingerplacementPic, teststart2] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / recorddata = false / stimulusframes = [1 = finish, Feedback, exit] / validresponse = (57) / recorddata = false ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** STIMULI ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** / items = ("heart.jpg") / size = (parameters.picSize, parameters.picSize) / erase = false / items = ("flower.jpg") / size = (parameters.picSize, parameters.picSize) / erase = false / items = ("+") / fontstyle = ("Arial", parameters.fixationSize, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false / vjustify = center ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** LISTS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Note: list randomly (without replacement) selects 1 = left or 2 = right position for congruent trials in a block. The poolsize is set under the relevant block. Default: Congruent block - poolsize is 20 (10 hearts on the left, 10 on the right) Mixed block - poolsize is 10 (5 hearts on the left, 5 on the right) / items = (1, 2) / replace = false / resetinterval = 0 Note: list randomly (without replacement) selects 1 = left or 2 = right position for congruent trials in a block. The poolsize is set under the relevant block. Default: Congruent block - poolsize is 20 (10 flowers on the left, 10 on the right) Mixed block - poolsize is 10 (5 flowers on the left, 5 on the right) / items = (1, 2) / replace = false / resetinterval = 0 Note: list randomly (without replacement) selects 1 (congruent) and 2 (incongruent) trials for the mixed block The poolsize is set under block. Default: script runs 10 congruent and 10 incongruent trials / items = (1, 2) / replace = false / resetinterval = 0 / maxrunsize = 3 ************************************************* Data Lists: used for descriptive statistics store correct latencies/accuracy data fill up during runtime ************************************************* Note: list stores 1 = correct response; 0 = incorrect response for each relevant trial any response coded as an error is automatically coded as 0 Note: list stores 1 = correct response; 0 = incorrect response for each relevant trial any response coded as an error is automatically coded as 0 Note: list stores the latency of correct responses for each relevant trial Note: list stores 1 = correct response; 0 = incorrect response for each relevant trial any response coded as an error is automatically coded as 0 Note: list stores the latency of correct responses for each relevant trial Note: list stores 1 = correct response; 0 = incorrect response for each relevant trial any response coded as an error is automatically coded as 0 Note: list stores the latency of correct responses for each relevant trial Note: list stores 1 = correct response; 0 = incorrect response for each relevant trial any response coded as an error is automatically coded as 0 Note: list stores the latency of correct responses for each relevant trial Note: list stores 1 = correct response; 0 = incorrect response for each relevant trial any response coded as an error is automatically coded as 0 Note: list stores the latency of correct responses for each relevant trial Note: list stores 1 = correct response; 0 = incorrect response for each relevant trial any response coded as an error is automatically coded as 0 Note: list stores the latency of correct responses for each relevant trial ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** TRIALS: Practice ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** / stimulustimes = [0 = clearscreen, fixation] / branch = [ if (values.condition == 1){ trial.congruent_practice; } else if (values.condition == 2){ trial.incongruent_practice; } else { if (list.mixed.nextvalue == 1){ trial.congruent_practice; } else { trial.incongruent_practice; }; }; ] / trialduration = parameters.iti / recorddata = false / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (noresponse) / response = correct / ontrialbegin = [ values.prevCongruence = values.congruence; values.congruence = 1; if (values.prevCongruence == values.congruence || values.prevCongruence == 0){ values.switch = 0; } else { if (values.prevCongruence) values.switch = 1; values.countSwitch += 1; }; values.position = list.positions_congruent.nextvalue; if (values.position == 1){ picture.congruentStim.hposition = parameters.left_x; } else { picture.congruentStim.hposition = parameters.right_x; }; ] / stimulustimes = [0 = congruentStim] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / iscorrectresponse = [ (values.position == 1 && trial.congruent_practice.response == parameters.leftkey) || (values.position == 2 && trial.congruent_practice.response == parameters.rightkey) ] / ontrialend = [ list.ACC_practice.appenditem(trial.congruent_practice.correct); ] / timeout = values.stimDuration / branch = [ if (trial.congruent_practice.error){ trial.repeat_congruent; } else { trial.posFeedback; }; ] / ontrialbegin = [ if (trial.congruent_practice.response == 0){ trial.repeat_congruent.insertstimulusframe(text.noResponseText, 1); }; if (values.position == 1){ trial.repeat_congruent.insertstimulusframe(video.pressleft, 1); } else { trial.repeat_congruent.insertstimulusframe(video.pressright, 1); }; ] / stimulusframes = [1 = congruentTask2, reminder_congruent, reminder_congruent_audio] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / iscorrectresponse = [ (values.position == 1 && trial.repeat_congruent.response == parameters.leftkey) || (values.position == 2 && trial.repeat_congruent.response == parameters.rightkey) ] / ontrialend = [ trial.repeat_congruent.resetstimulusframes(); ] / response = correct / branch = [ trial.posFeedback; ] / ontrialbegin = [ values.prevCongruence = values.congruence; values.congruence = 2; if (values.prevCongruence == values.congruence || values.prevCongruence == 0){ values.switch = 0; } else { values.switch = 1; values.countSwitch += 1; }; values.position = list.positions_incongruent.nextvalue; if (values.position == 1){ picture.incongruentStim.hposition = parameters.left_x; } else { picture.incongruentStim.hposition = parameters.right_x; }; ] / stimulustimes = [0 = incongruentStim] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / iscorrectresponse = [ (values.position == 1 && trial.incongruent_practice.response == parameters.rightkey) || (values.position == 2 && trial.incongruent_practice.response == parameters.leftkey) ] / ontrialend = [ list.ACC_practice.appenditem(trial.incongruent_practice.correct); ] / timeout = values.stimDuration / branch = [ if (trial.incongruent_practice.error){ trial.repeat_incongruent; } else { trial.posFeedback; }; ] / ontrialbegin = [ if (trial.incongruent_practice.response == 0){ trial.repeat_incongruent.insertstimulusframe(text.noResponseText, 1); }; if (values.position == 1){ trial.repeat_incongruent.insertstimulusframe(video.pressright, 1); } else { trial.repeat_incongruent.insertstimulusframe(video.pressleft, 1); }; ] / stimulusframes = [1 = incongruentTask2, reminder_incongruent, reminder_incongruent_audio] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / iscorrectresponse = [ (values.position == 1 && trial.repeat_incongruent.response == parameters.rightkey) || (values.position == 2 && trial.repeat_incongruent.response == parameters.leftkey) ] / ontrialend = [ trial.repeat_incongruent.resetstimulusframes(); ] / response = correct / branch = [ trial.posFeedback; ] / stimulusframes = [1 = Feedback, Feedback_audio] / trialduration = 0 / recorddata = false / branch = [ trial.selectTrial_practice; ] ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** TRIALS: Test ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** / stimulustimes = [0 = clearscreen, fixation] / branch = [ if (values.condition == 1){ trial.congruent; } else if (values.condition == 2){ trial.incongruent; } else { if (list.mixed.nextvalue == 1){ trial.congruent; } else { trial.incongruent; }; }; ] / trialduration = parameters.iti / recorddata = false / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / correctresponse = (noresponse) / response = correct / ontrialbegin = [ values.prevCongruence = values.congruence; values.congruence = 1; if (values.prevCongruence == values.congruence || values.prevCongruence == 0){ values.switch = 0; } else { if (values.prevCongruence) values.switch = 1; values.countSwitch += 1; }; values.position = list.positions_congruent.nextvalue; if (values.position == 1){ picture.congruentStim.hposition = parameters.left_x; } else { picture.congruentStim.hposition = parameters.right_x; }; ] / stimulustimes = [0 = congruentStim] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / iscorrectresponse = [ (values.position == 1 && trial.congruent.response == parameters.leftkey) || (values.position == 2 && trial.congruent.response == parameters.rightkey) ] / ontrialend = [ list.ACC.appenditem(trial.congruent.correct); if (trial.congruent.correct){ list.RT.appenditem(trial.congruent.latency); }; if (values.condition == 1){ list.ACC_congruent.appenditem(trial.congruent.correct); if (trial.congruent.correct){ list.RT_congruent.appenditem(trial.congruent.latency); }; } else if (values.condition == 3){ list.ACC_mixed.appenditem(trial.congruent.correct); if (trial.congruent.correct){ list.RT_mixed.appenditem(trial.congruent.latency); }; if (values.switch == 1){ list.ACC_switch.appenditem(trial.congruent.correct); if (trial.congruent.correct){ list.RT_switch.appenditem(trial.congruent.latency); }; } else { list.ACC_nonswitch.appenditem(trial.congruent.correct); if (trial.congruent.correct){ list.RT_nonswitch.appenditem(trial.congruent.latency); }; }; }; ] / timeout = values.stimDuration / branch = [ trial.selectTrial; ] / ontrialbegin = [ values.prevCongruence = values.congruence; values.congruence = 2; if (values.prevCongruence == values.congruence || values.prevCongruence == 0){ values.switch = 0; } else { values.switch = 1; values.countSwitch += 1; }; values.position = list.positions_incongruent.nextvalue; if (values.position == 1){ picture.incongruentStim.hposition = parameters.left_x; } else { picture.incongruentStim.hposition = parameters.right_x; }; ] / stimulustimes = [0 = incongruentStim] / validresponse = (parameters.leftkey, parameters.rightkey) / iscorrectresponse = [ (values.position == 1 && trial.incongruent.response == parameters.rightkey) || (values.position == 2 && trial.incongruent.response == parameters.leftkey) ] / ontrialend = [ list.ACC.appenditem(trial.incongruent.correct); if (trial.incongruent.correct){ list.RT.appenditem(trial.incongruent.latency); }; if (values.condition == 2){ list.ACC_incongruent.appenditem(trial.incongruent.correct); if (trial.incongruent.correct){ list.RT_incongruent.appenditem(trial.incongruent.latency); }; } else if (values.condition == 3){ list.ACC_mixed.appenditem(trial.incongruent.correct); if (trial.incongruent.correct){ list.RT_mixed.appenditem(trial.incongruent.latency); }; if (values.switch == 1){ list.ACC_switch.appenditem(trial.incongruent.correct); if (trial.incongruent.correct){ list.RT_switch.appenditem(trial.incongruent.latency); }; } else { list.ACC_nonswitch.appenditem(trial.incongruent.correct); if (trial.incongruent.correct){ list.RT_nonswitch.appenditem(trial.incongruent.latency); }; }; }; ] / timeout = values.stimDuration / branch = [ trial.selectTrial; ] ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** BLOCKS ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** / trials = [ 1 = intro1_congruent; 2 = intro2_congruent; 3 = intro3_congruent; 4 = intro4_congruent; 5 = intro5_congruent; 6 = intro6_congruent; ] / stop = [ trial.selectTrial_practice.trialcount > parameters.numberPracticeTrials; ] / onblockbegin = [ values.countCongruent += 1; list.ACC_practice.reset(); values.condition = 1; list.positions_congruent.poolsize = parameters.numberPracticeTrials; list.positions_congruent.reset(); values.stimDuration = parameters.stimDuration_simpleBlock; values.congruence = 0; ] / trials = [1 = selectTrial_practice] / onblockend = [ if (values.practiceACC_congruent < list.ACC_practice.mean){ values.practiceACC_congruent = list.ACC_practice.mean; }; ] / branch = [ if (list.ACC_practice.mean >= parameters.minPracticeACC){ values.passCongruent = 1; } else if (list.ACC_practice.mean < parameters.minPracticeACC && values.countCongruent < parameters.maxPracticeRepeats){ block.congruent_practice; } else if (!monkey.monkeymode){ block.prematureEnd; }; ] / stop = [ trial.selectTrial.trialcount > parameters.numberTestTrials; ] / onblockbegin = [ values.condition = 1; list.ACC_practice.reset(); list.positions_congruent.poolsize = parameters.numberTestTrials; list.positions_congruent.reset(); values.stimDuration = parameters.stimDuration_simpleBlock; values.congruence = 0; ] / trials = [1 = testStart; 2 = selectTrial] / trials = [ 1 = intro1_incongruent; 2 = intro2_incongruent; 3 = intro3_incongruent; 4 = intro4_incongruent; 5 = intro5_incongruent; 6 = intro6_incongruent; ] / stop = [ trial.selectTrial_practice.trialcount > parameters.numberPracticeTrials; ] / onblockbegin = [ values.countIncongruent += 1; list.ACC_practice.reset(); values.condition = 2; list.positions_incongruent.poolsize = parameters.numberPracticeTrials; list.positions_incongruent.reset(); values.stimDuration = parameters.stimDuration_simpleBlock; values.congruence = 0; ] / trials = [1 = selectTrial_practice] / onblockend = [ if (values.practiceACC_incongruent < list.ACC_practice.mean){ values.practiceACC_incongruent = list.ACC_practice.mean; }; ] / branch = [ if (list.ACC_practice.mean >= parameters.minPracticeACC){ values.passInCongruent = 1; } else if (list.ACC_practice.mean < parameters.minPracticeACC && values.countInCongruent < parameters.maxPracticeRepeats){ block.incongruent_practice; } else if (!monkey.monkeymode){ block.prematureEnd; }; ] / stop = [ trial.selectTrial.trialcount > parameters.numberTestTrials; ] / onblockbegin = [ values.condition = 2; list.ACC_practice.reset(); list.positions_incongruent.poolsize = parameters.numberTestTrials; list.positions_incongruent.reset(); values.stimDuration = parameters.stimDuration_simpleBlock; values.congruence = 0; ] / trials = [1 = testStart; 2 = selectTrial] / trials = [ 1 = intro1_mixed; 2 = intro2_mixed; 3 = intro3_mixed; 4 = intro4_mixed; 5 = intro5_mixed; 6 = intro6_mixed; 7 = intro7_mixed; 8 = intro8_mixed; ] / stop = [ trial.selectTrial_practice.trialcount > parameters.numberPracticeTrials; ] / onblockbegin = [ values.countMixed += 1; list.ACC_practice.reset(); values.condition = 3; list.positions_incongruent.poolsize = parameters.numberPracticeTrials/2; list.positions_incongruent.reset(); list.positions_congruent.poolsize = parameters.numberPracticeTrials/2; list.positions_congruent.reset(); values.stimDuration = parameters.stimDuration_mixedBlock; values.congruence = 0; ] / trials = [1 = selectTrial_practice] / onblockend = [ if (values.practiceACC_mixed < list.ACC_practice.mean){ values.practiceACC_mixed = list.ACC_practice.mean; }; ] / branch = [ if (list.ACC_practice.mean >= parameters.minPracticeACC){ values.passMixed = 1; } else if (list.ACC_practice.mean < parameters.minPracticeACC && values.countMixed < parameters.maxPracticeRepeats){ block.mixed_practice; } else if (!monkey.monkeymode){ block.prematureEnd; }; ] / stop = [ trial.selectTrial.trialcount > parameters.numberTestTrials; ] / onblockbegin = [ values.condition = 3; list.ACC_practice.reset(); list.mixed.poolsize = parameters.numberTestTrials; list.positions_incongruent.poolsize = parameters.numberTestTrials/2; list.positions_incongruent.reset(); list.positions_congruent.poolsize = parameters.numberTestTrials/2; list.positions_congruent.reset(); values.stimDuration = parameters.stimDuration_mixedBlock; values.congruence = 0; values.countSwitch = 0; ] / trials = [1 = testStart; 2 = selectTrial] / trials = [1 = finish] / onblockend = [ script.abort(); ] / trials = [1 = finish] ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** EXPERIMENT ************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** / blocks = [ 1 = congruent_intro; 2 = congruent_practice; 3 = congruent; 4 = incongruent_intro; 5 = incongruent_practice; 6 = incongruent; 7 = mixed_intro; 8 = mixed_practice; 9 = mixed; 10 = finish; ] / onexptend = [ values.completed = 1; ] ************************************************************************************************************** End of File **************************************************************************************************************