Do you think this is a problem with the script or is it could it be something else like the microphone or speech recognition software?
It could be any of those things. You may want to test the script on a different machine and follow the below advice from the "
"Before speech recognition will work, you must run the Microphone Wizard to
adjust microphone input to appropriate levels. To run the Microphone Wizard, go
to the Tools menu in Inquisit, select Speech Recognition, and then
select Microphone Wizard."
When I attemted to run the 'analyze recorded responses' tool I keep the following error
'Speech Error -2147201023: Speech Error. Line 427, File win\SpeechEngine.cpp'
I've even install the previous speech recognition engine (although probably not necessary since I'm using a windows 7 machine), but I am still getting the same error. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Note that Windows 7 is not among the supported operating systems for Inquisit 2.0. The last supported Windows version is Vista. In addition, those tools may not work on 64-bit versions.