Millisecond Forums

GNAT - Using pictures selected by participants as target category

By Yuki - 6/3/2013


Is it possible at all to present participants with a selections of pictures, 

(I'm gonna ask them to select the picture which represents them best)

And then have that selected picture as the target category

(So, the picture will appear in the upper centre of the screen while words stimuli flashes below)

in the experimental trials?

Any help is appreciated!

Thanks heaps.


By Dave - 6/3/2013

You will find this covered in the "How to Present Stimuli Provided by Subjects" topic in the documentation.

By Yuki - 7/11/2013

Thanks Dave.

I'm also just wondering, with Inquisit Web, is it possible to:

participants answer series of questionnaires on qualtrics --> redirected to inquisit to complete GNAT --> redirected back to qualtrics for a couple more questionnaires --> redirected to inquisit once again, for another round of GNAT --> back to qualtrics?

Thanks and Regards,


By Dave - 7/11/2013

Yes. See the "How to interoperate Inquisit with online survey packages" topic in the documentation.

By Yuki - 7/11/2013

Hi Dave,

Thanks a lot for your quick replies. Really appreciate it.

Sorry I actually wasn't clear with my question earlier. I have different scripts for the first and second inquisits. In the first inquisit, they will be doing some practice trials whereas in the second inquisit, they will be doing the experimental trials ---->  

participants answer series of questionnaires on qualtrics --> redirected to inquisit to complete GNAT --> redirected back to qualtrics for a couple more questionnaires --> redirected to inquisit once again, for another round of GNAT --> back to qualtrics?

So is it still possible?



By Dave - 7/11/2013

Yes, why would that make any difference? You can bounce back and forth as often as you want or need.

By Yuki - 7/11/2013

Says in the documentation (page 138), "An Inquisit Web license entitles you to run a single web experiment (as defined by a single Inquisit script)."

If I am having 2 different scripts (i.e., first script for practice trials, second script for experimental trials with different categories), then doesn't it mean that I will not be able to do that?  

By Yuki - 7/11/2013

I have just gotten access to inquisit web (have only purchased one licence) this morning and was playing around with it, trying to figure out how I can do that but to no avail. 

I have also read through "How to Interoperate Inquisit Web with Online Survey Packages " a couple of times but don't seem to get it still.. 

Is there any others ways that I can go about doing it?



By Dave - 7/11/2013

No, quite the opposite. In fact the definition of "single web experiment" is very liberal as detailed at e.g.

All you need to do is make smart use of query parameters (for subject id and particularly group id) along with using <batch> elements.

By Yuki - 7/11/2013

hmmmm alright.. I'll keep trying... 

Thanks again, Dave. :)

By Dave - 7/11/2013

Here's a quick sketch of how to do this. Suppose you have the following two
<batch> definitions in a file called mybatch.iqx which has been
registered as your active webscript:

/ file = "A.iqx"
/ subjects = (1 of 2)
/ groupassignment = groupnumber

/ file = "B.iqx"
/ subjects = (2 of 2)
/ groupassignment = groupnumber

You set the experiment's launch page up to use a query parameter called
mygroup as group id / for condition assignment. You do so in the process
of registering your script via the Web Script Wizard.

#1: Have Qualtrics forward to the experiment's launch page at the end of the first survey section like so:

This will invoke A.iqx (e.g. your practice GNAT).

#2: Have Inquisit send participants back to Qualtrics and set up Qualtrics to pick up where it left off. At the end of this second survey portion, forward to the launch page like so:

This will invoke B.iqx (e.g your test GNAT).

#3: Have Inquisit send participants back to Qualtrics as before. Note that a script can explicitly manipulate finishpage URLs via the defaults.finishpage property (see the language reference for details).

For information re. Qualtrics' handling of query parameters (generation and extraction, use for flow control), please consult Qualtrics' support materials.

By Yuki - 7/11/2013

Thanks heaps Dave. It's very kind of you to give such detailed explanations.

I understand better now.. 

