Millisecond Forums

Passing subject numbers from Inquisit to another survey

By sameersriv - 11/18/2007

I have figured out how to pass subject numbers from another survey to Inquisit.  But I'd like to start my study out with the IAT and so need some guidance on how to pass subject numbers from Inquisit to another web site.  I'll have generated a unique identifier for all my respondents in advance.  So the main question is how to pass that number on to the other survey.  Any suggestions?
By seandr - 11/20/2007

Hi Sameer,

Using our default launch page as a starting point, your basic strategy would be to define the FinishPage variable as the url of the other survey, and to append the subject number to it in the form of a query parameter. For example, if the subject number was 333, the FinishPage url might look something like the following:

You can create his url in the launch page's javascript. The easiest way I can think of would be to add the following line to the "GetSubjectNumber" function:

FinishPage = "" + SubjectNumber;        

You'll then need to configure your survey software to read the parameter. If the survey package expects a certain parameter name, you can change "subjectnumber" to whatever is appropriate.

Once Inquisit is finished running, it will redirect to this url.
