Millisecond Forums

Displaying a picture depending on the value a specific other variable has

By beccca - 8/5/2013

Dear all

I have the
following problem:

I created a
<picture> item (called ‘coinA’) containing a picture of heads and a
picture of tails.

I created a
<values>-variable which chooses randomly between 1 and 2. I now want to
show the heads-picture if the <values>-variable (called ‘coin’ equals 1
and the tails picture if it equals 2.

But somehow
I can’t make it work. Do you have any ideas on that?

Below you
find the code I wrote.

Thanks a lot for your help.

<values >

/case = 0

/sentence="Previously you decided:

/coin = noreplace(1, 2)




<item coinA>

/ 1 = "heads.jpg"

/ 2 = "tails.jpg"



<picture coinA>

/ items = coinA

/ valign = bottom

/ position = (50%, 60%)







<radiobuttons coinflip>

/ caption = "What does heads stand
for and what does tails stand for?"

/ options = ("HEADS = DECK A, TAILS = DECK C", "HEADS = DECK C, TAILS = DECK A")

/ fontstyle =("Arial", 1.75%)



<surveypage coininstruction>

/ caption = Pleas assign heads and tails to either DECK A or DECK C."

/ questions = [1=coinflip]

/ fontstyle =("Arial", 1.75%)

/ showpagenumbers = false

/ showquestionnumbers = false

/ finishlabel = "CONTINUE"

/ showbackbutton = false

/ nextbuttonposition = (50, 85)



<item result>

/ 1 = "The machine has flipped the
coin for you and the result is:



<text result>

/ items =  result

/ select = 1

/ position = (50%, 10%)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%)

/ size = (80%, 30%)

/ hjustify = left

/ valign = top




<item meaning>

/1 =



<%values.coin%> <%
picture.muenze3.itemcount %>"



<text meaning>

/ items = meaning

/ select = 1

/ position = (50%, 65%)

/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%)

/ size = (80%, 30%)

/ hjustify = left

/ valign = top





<trial result>

/ stimulusframes = [1=result, coinA,

/ validresponse = (anyresponse)

/ inputdevice = keyboard


/ ontrialbegin = [if(values.coin == 1)
item.coinA.1 = "heads.jpg"]

/ ontrialbegin = [if(values.coin == 2)
item.coinA.2 = "tails.jpg"]



/ ontrialbegin =  [if(values.coin == 1 &&
radiobuttons.coinflip.response=="HEADS = DECK A, TAILS = DECK C") = "From now on you only take cards from DECK A]."


/ ontrialbegin = [if(values.coin == 2
&& radiobuttons.coinflip.response=="HEADS = DECK C, TAILS = DECK
A") = "From now on you only take cards from DECK


/ ontrialbegin = [if(values.coin == 2
&& radiobuttons.coinflip.response=="HEAD = DECK A, TAILS = DECK
C") = "From now on you only take cards form DECK


/ ontrialbegin = [if(values.coin == 1
&& radiobuttons.coinflip.response=="HEAD = DECK C, TAIL = DECK
A") = "From now on
you only take cards from DECK C."]





By Dave - 8/5/2013

If you want your <picture> element's item to depend on the value, you need to use it in its /select attribute:

/ select = values.coin

By beccca - 8/5/2013

It works. Thank you so much :)