Millisecond Forums

Recording web-browsing activity while Participant listens to audio file

By James Rounds - 9/10/2013

Hello all,

Does anyone know how to have a participant listen to an audio file in Inquisit WHILE they are browsing the internet and having their mouse-movements recorded? Essentially, I want the audio files to be the main target stimuli, with occasional internet browsing as the distractor activity/stimuli.

Can Inquisit do something like this? Thank you any and all for your input!

By Dave - 9/10/2013

No, I don't think this can be done* (nor would I know of any ready-made software solution that would allow this).

* As this would entail

-  somehow embedding a full-featured web browser into Inquisit

- give Inquisit full access to the data gathered by that browser

- and several other issues.

By James Rounds - 9/10/2013

Thanks for the rapid response Dave! My initial request seemed more ambitious than it was, I suspect. What I really want to know is if it's possible for Inquisit to be running and presenting audio stimuli, and simply collect mouse-movement data, while allowing the user to engage freely with the rest of the computer environment? Forget about the web-browser part. Can the participant engage with the computer outside the Inquisit environment while in the middle of an experiment?

Thank you so much for your thoughts on this!
