Millisecond Forums

log key up

By alasdair - 1/7/2014

Hallo together,

is it somehow possible to log key-up events? For example the latency for releasing the space bar?
Unfortunately, I haven't found a possibility to do that.
Thank you in advance.

Best regards
By Dave - 1/7/2014

No. At present, key releases cannot be logged.
By alasdair - 1/7/2014

thanks a lot for the quick reply.
By seandr - 1/7/2014

Actually, you should be able to do this by specifying negative scan code values for the validresponse. For example:

<trial example>
/validresponse = (-57)

It appears I've added this functionality without previously mentioning it to anyone or putting it in the documentation, but it should work. 

By alasdair - 1/8/2014

in fact it works :)
many. many thanks! You guys are great.