Millisecond Forums

Range of implicit tasks

By Ali - 2/21/2014

Hello. The website indicates that Inquisit is "capable of collecting rich behavioral data from a wide variety of measures." I'd like to confirm that the measures I need are covered within Inquisit's range: 
- Implicit Association Test
- Go/No-go Association Task
- Sorting Paired Features 
- The Extrinsic Affective Simon Task 
- Priming (affective, semantic... etc.) 

It would help if I could find a listing of possible measures that can be used. 



By Dave - 2/21/2014

> It would help if I could find a listing of possible measures that can be used.


Also, you are not limited to the procedures available via the above link. You can program your own or modify any existing script. To get a better impression, start by working through the tutorials contained in the Inquisit documentation.