By becgwin - 3/3/2014
I am wanting to a develop an AAT using a manikin instead of a joystick, as some research has suggested it might be a superior test (e.g. Krieglmeyer & Deutsch, 2009). Ideally, I will pilot both tests and compare them before proceeding to my actual study. While there is an Inquisit script for an AAT using a joystick that I can adapt, I can't find one for the manikin (unless I am missing something). As I am new to using Inquisit, I was hoping some-one might be willing to share their script if they have developed one like this, as the programming appears to be very complicated.
By becgwin - 3/3/2014
Apologies regarding reference: It should read Krieglmeyer & Deutsch, 2010. It was published online in 2009.
By Dave - 3/3/2014
The attached file is a script kindly shared by a customer a while ago. While it may perhaps not be perfect for your purposes, it should hopefully give you some ideas on how to go about coding such a task.
By becgwin - 3/3/2014
Thanks so much Dave. I really appreciate it.
By - 10/14/2015
Hello Rebecca, I was wondering if you ever developed the AAT using a manikin after all? If possible, I would love to use it instead of the joystick task (I have read the same article on the validity of different MAABs and would like to try it out!) Thank you for letting me know!