By Ali - 3/9/2014
Hello. I prepared a list of 16 radiobutton items on one page. I wonder if I can somehow make the number of each item (1-16) appears in the output file. (See attached.)
PS. I made up the format of this file. If you spot anything wrong in it, please let me know.
By Dave - 3/9/2014
> I wonder if I can somehow make the number of each item (1-16) appears in the output file.
No, you can't*. However, for data analysis purposes it's just a matter of a simple "recode" operation on the trialcode column.
* Save for actually *naming* your <radiobuttons> elements "1" to "16" (which I would not recommend in general). I.e.,
<surveypage explicitsem1> / stimulusframes = [1=arabs; 2=english] / questions = [1=hardworking_anchor; 2=1; 3=lazy_anchor; 4=know_anchor; 5=2; 6=ignorant_anchor; ...] [...] </surveypage>
<radiobuttons 1> / caption = "" / options = ("", "", "", "", "", "", "") / optionvalues = ("3", "2", "1", "0", "-1", "-2", "-3") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", -20, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / orientation = horizontal / size = (10%, 90%) / position = (40, 10) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons 2> / caption = "" / options = ("", "", "", "", "", "", "") / optionvalues = ("3", "2", "1", "0", "-1", "-2", "-3") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", -20, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / orientation = horizontal / size = (10%, 90%) / position = (40, 15) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </radiobuttons>
By Ali - 3/9/2014
Thanks Dave, that's really clever. I'll think about which way to follow.
By the way, I noticed that because the response is required, when I click Next before answering all items the two questions disappear. This might confuse some respondents (which group is which). Is there a way to prevent questions from disappearing?
By Dave - 3/9/2014
> Is there a way to prevent questions from disappearing?
You would have to use <caption> elements for the questions, not <text> elements.
By Ali - 3/9/2014
Thanks again Dave.
I noticed a similar problem that occurs when a required answer is not supplied. The neighboring text disappears. (See attached p.2).
By Dave - 3/9/2014
Yes. Same thing. Here you can also try setting
<survey demographics> / onblockbegin= [survey.demographics.rightmargin=50%] / pages = [1=demographics1; 2=demographics2; 3=demographics3] / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Next" / finishlabel = "Finish" / nextbuttonposition = (95%, 90%) </survey>
By Ali - 3/10/2014
Thanks Dave, this is really great!
One more thing: Is it possible to underline a single word in a text, caption... etc. I'm aware that I can underline the whole thing, but what about just one word?
By Dave - 3/10/2014
No, it's not possible to format a single word differently than the rest in a given <text>, <caption>, etc.