By mariela - 3/26/2014
Dear all,
I have another question in regards to my experiment:In my experiment I have 4 blocks of stimuli items. Now I would like to randomly assign 1 of 4 colors to the blocks.
I tried to do this by defining a value label and then put the <%value.color_1%> into the elemtnes defining the text:
<values > / color_1=noreplace((10,10,0),(0,10,10),(10,0,10),(10,10,10)) </values>
<text A> / items = A /color = <%values.color_1%> </text> <text B> / items = B / color = <%values.color_1%> </text>
<text C> / items = C /color = <%values.color_1%> </text> <text D> / items = D /color = <%values.color_1%> </text>
Unfortunately this is not working. The message list errors tells me that "Expression '<%values.color_A%' is invalid. Expression contains a syntax error." Can you help me with this task? Is it correct to assign colors by using the value-function?
Thank you so much in advance!!
By Dave - 3/26/2014
Your syntax is invalid on multiple levels -- it won't work like that. What you need to do is
(1) Set up a <list> for each color channel (R, G, B)
(2) Set up proper dependencies between the <lists>, and
(3) Set the <text> elements' color via their textcolorblue, textcolorgreen and textcolorred properties:
<block myblock> / onblockbegin = [text.mytext.textcolorred=list.r.nextvalue; text.mytext.textcolorgreen=list.g.nextvalue; text.mytext.textcolorblue=list.b.nextvalue] / trials = [1=mytrial] </block> <trial mytrial> / stimulusframes = [1=mytext] / validresponse = (57) </trial> <text mytext> / items = ("R=<%text.mytext.textcolorred%> G=<%text.mytext.textcolorgreen%> B=<%text.mytext.textcolorblue%>") </text> <list r> / items = (255, 0) / selectionmode = random </list> <list g> / items = (128, 255) / selectionmode = list.r.currentindex </list> <list b> / items = (0, 128) / selectionmode = list.r.currentindex </list>
The colors in the above example are (255,128,0) and (0, 255, 128).
By mariela - 3/26/2014
Thank you very much for your quick reply and syntax!I'm sorry to bother you once again, but as I just started to use Inquisit I am still finding it difficult to apply a generalized syntax to my experiment. Maybe I need to specify my objective a little further - because from your solution, the resulting color is defined by the elements in your list (I hope I didn't get that completely wrong) and I wonder how I can implement your solution into my setup ...
So, what I'd like to do is: I have four sets of items describing a certain objects:
Object 1 - described by 6 items (e.g. object 1 is yellow, object 1 is warm, ...) Object 2 - described by 6 items Object 3 - described by 6 items Object 4 - described by 6 items
No I have defined a trial for each object with a timeout.
In my final block I defined that 28 items should be randomly selected from the 4 object trials (I used the noreplace-command).
In addition I now would like to randomly assign text colors to the different object trials. E.g. all items for object 1 are displayed in one color, all items for object 2 are displayed in a different color etc. And I'd like to define the possible colors that can be used.
My syntax currently looks like this:
<item object1> / 1 = "object 1 is yellow" / 2 = "object 1 is warm" / 3 = "object 1 is far away" </item>
<item object2> / 1 = "object 2 is blue" / 2 = "object 2 is cold" / 3 = "object 2 is close" </item> <text object1> / items = object1 </text>
<text object2> / items = object2 </text>
<trial object1> / stimulusframes = [1=object1] / timeout = 2000 </trial> <trial object2> / stimulusframes = [1=object2] / timeout = 2000 </trial>
<block objects> / trials = [1-6 = noreplace(object1, object2)] </block> Does your syntax still apply in this situation or do I need to do something different? Thank you for your help, I really really appreciate it.
By Dave - 3/26/2014
> Does your syntax still apply in this situation or do I need to do something different?
Yes it does, it's the same thing:
<block myblock> / onblockbegin = [text.object1.textcolorred=list.r.nextvalue; text.object1.textcolorgreen=list.g.nextvalue; text.object1.textcolorblue=list.b.nextvalue] / onblockbegin = [text.object2.textcolorred=list.r.nextvalue; text.object2.textcolorgreen=list.g.nextvalue; text.object2.textcolorblue=list.b.nextvalue] / trials = [1-4=noreplace(object1trial, object2trial)] </block>
<trial object1trial> / stimulusframes = [1=object1] / validresponse = (57) </trial>
<text object1> / items = object1items </text>
<item object1items> / 1 = "Hi, I'm Object1. My color is R=<%text.object1.textcolorred%> G=<%text.object1.textcolorgreen%> B=<%text.object1.textcolorblue%>." / 2 = "Hey, it's Object1. The color is R=<%text.object1.textcolorred%> G=<%text.object1.textcolorgreen%> B=<%text.object1.textcolorblue%>." </item>
<trial object2trial> / stimulusframes = [1=object2] / validresponse = (57) </trial>
<text object2> / items = object2items </text>
<item object2items> / 1 = "Me, I'm Object2. The color is R=<%text.object2.textcolorred%> G=<%text.object2.textcolorgreen%> B=<%text.object2.textcolorblue%>." / 2 = "Hello, it's Object2 speaking. Observe my color R=<%text.object2.textcolorred%> G=<%text.object2.textcolorgreen%> B=<%text.object2.textcolorblue%>." </item>
<list r> / items = (255, 0) / selectionmode = random / selectionrate = always </list>
<list g> / items = (128, 255) / selectionmode = list.r.currentindex / selectionrate = always </list>
<list b> / items = (0, 128) / selectionmode = list.r.currentindex / selectionrate = always </list>
By mariela - 3/26/2014
Thank you thank you thank you thank you - it works excellent!!!