I am trying to give subjects the opportunity to set the volume to a comfortable level at the start of each session.I have set volume as a value as follows:
<sound TestSound>
/items = ("TestSound.wav")
/volume = (values.vol)
I have tried a variety of ways of setting the variable using blocks and trials but nothing seems to work.
Here is an example:
<trial VolChange>
/inputdevice = mouse
/stimulustimes = [0 = VolumeUp, VolumeDown, Continue; 1000 = TestSound]
/validresponse = (VolumeUp, VolumeDown, Continue)
/correctresponse = (Continue)
<block AdjustVol>
/trials = [1-50 = noreplace(VolChange)]
/branch = [if(trial.volchange.response==VolumeUp) values.vol+= 1000]
/branch = [if(trial.volchange.response==VolumeDown) values.vol-= 1000]
/branch = [if(block.adjustvol.correctstreak>0) block.600block]
Even the last branch (correct streak) doesn't work for me.
I would very much appreciate advice.