Millisecond Forums

Participants able to draw shapes?

By bmatt - 6/13/2014


I'm new to Inquisit and am in the process of learning the ropes, so my apologies is there is a relatively easy solution to my question.  Is there a way to allow participants to draw a shape (e.g., circle, square) within a defined space on the screen, perhaps by clicking the mouse and dragging it to a specific location?  I am thinking of a task much like how one creates shapes in programs such as Microsoft Office.


By Dave - 6/13/2014

Yes, it's possible. In Inquisit 4, <trial> elements sport the /draw attribute, which will effectively paint mouse movements onscreen. For an example of its use, see the "Trail Making Test" script available in the Task Library.

A different approach that also applies to Inquisit 3, can be found at (scripts in the ZIP archive attached to that post).
By bmatt - 6/13/2014

Thanks for the quick reply!