Millisecond Forums

selectedcount property

By rouge - 7/28/2014

Dear all,
in regard to a multiple choice questionnaire, I would like to set the maximum amount of possible chosen options to one and, additionaly, that at least one option has to be chosen. I discovered the slectedcount property. However, I have absolutely no idea how to use is. Sorry - still an absolute beginner in regard to programming. Thank you very much in advance for your help! Best greetings

<radiobuttons 14>
/ caption = "xyz?"
/ options = ("x", "y", "z")
/ validresponse = ("x", "y", "z")
/ correctresponse = ("z")

/ caption = "Bitte beantworten Sie zum Abschluss noch folgende Fragen."
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", -16, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=1; 2=2; 3=3]

<survey experience>
/ pages = [1=experience_1; 2=rexperience_2; 3=experience_3; 4=experience_4; 5=experience_5]
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", -12, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemfontstyle = ("Arial", -13, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemspacing = 2%
/ showpagenumbers = false

By Dave - 7/28/2014

Not sure why you would need the selectedcount property here. A <radiobuttons> element only allows a single option to be selected and will require one to be selected by default.

Can you clarify and elaborate what exactly you're trying to do, please?
By rouge - 7/28/2014

Dear Dave,
thank you very much for your fast answer.
I tested the "radio button" feature and realized that the program allows me to mark more than one radiobutton within one question.
Maybe this is possible because I set "valid responses" to all options?
In regard to: "marking at least one option", I would like to make the program not going on until at least one option per question is marked.

Best greetings again!
By rouge - 7/29/2014

ah - I see - the last question (at least one option has to be chosen) is not up to date anymore. inquisit does that indeed by default in marking the non-answered question red.
By Dave - 7/29/2014

AFAIK, multiple selections should not be possible. This used to happen w/ older Inquisit 4 releases under some OSX versions because Apple changed radiobuttons behavior between versions. It shouldn't happen w/ current releases. Thus: Is your Inquisit version up to date?
By rouge - 7/29/2014

I bought 4.0 three month ago (and we have macs). Since then, I did no update. Probably, I should do this :-) .. Thank you very much!!
By Dave - 7/29/2014

Yes, you should. The latest release is version, and you can obtain it via

Let me know if this resolves the radiobuttons / multiple selection issue.