By andik - 8/26/2014
Hello,I am using videos in .wmv format within an experiment which was originally programmed in Inquisit 3. In Inquisit 3, the video files run and load fine with no error message. I am trying to run the study from Inquisit 4 with a web license. On my Dell computer, the link and program work with no problem. On a Mac, I receive the following error message: Unable to the load media file 'video.wmv'. Verify the file is of a supported video format.Is there a glitch, or is there a different code I should be using for videos to play on Macs? I've used this exact same video format and basically the same experiment script before on Inquisit 4 web and never had an issue between PCs and Macs running the .wmv videos. Thank you!
By Dave - 8/26/2014
That's not a glitch nor is the <video> syntax different between Inquisit 3 and 4 different. WMV is a video format well-supported under Windows, but not on Macs. You'll find the reverse to be true for e.g. MOV -- works well on Macs, not so much on Windows boxes. It's all a matter of which formats the various platforms support. You'll find strategies for dealing with that detailed in the documentation for the <video> element:
"Note that not all video file containers and codecs are supported on all platforms. To present videos that will work on both Mac and Windows, use the mpg (with mp2 codec) format, or use conditional include elements to select *.wmv versions of your videos on Windows and *.mov versions for Mac."