Hello everyone!
My task is quite simple: I flash letters on the screen and if there is an A followed by an X, that is a target so subjects click the left mouse button. If it is any other sequence of two letters, it is a non-target, so subjects click the right mouse button.
In this particular trial, there is a voice that says "If X Target" when it is A followed by X, and a voice that says "Nontarget" when it is any other sequence (latter half code not shown below).
So the sequence should be:
So the sound is coming when the X is still on the screen. If I go to the stimulusframes in <trial ax_xWAND> (bolded line of code below) and insert a blank after ax_x to try to fix this, the X doesn't even show up and the whole branched trial gets messed up. How do I go about inserting the blank while retaining the X so then the "If X Target" voice shows up when the screen is blank right after the X? Any insight into this matter would be appreciated greatly. Thank you very much!
<trial ax_aWAND>
/ stimulusframes = [1=blank, ax_a]
/ pretrialpause = 800
/ trialduration = 1950
/ posttrialpause = 900
/ validresponse = (" ", noresponse)
/ correctresponse = (noresponse)
/ branch = [trial.ax_xWAND]
/ ontrialend = [if ( block.ax.totalcount >= 2 && trial.ax_aWAND.correct == false ) values.axtestcomissionerrorcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if ( block.ax.totalcount >= 2 ) values.axtestcomissiontrialcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if ( block.ax.totalcount >= 2 ) values.axtestcomissionerrorrate = values.axtestcomissionerrorcount / values.axtestcomissiontrialcount ]
<trial ax_xWAND>
/ stimulusframes = [1=blank, ax_x, IfXTarget]
/ pretrialpause = 100
/ trialduration = 1250
/ posttrialpause = 800
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ correctresponse = (lbuttondown)
/ ontrialend = [if ( block.ax.totalcount >= 2 && trial.ax_xWAND.correct == false ) values.axtestomissionerrorcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if ( block.ax.totalcount >= 2 ) values.axtestomissiontrialcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if ( block.ax.totalcount >= 2 ) values.axtestomissionerrorrate = values.axtestomissionerrorcount / values.axtestomissiontrialcount ]