Millisecond Forums

Citing Inquisit in-text

By Ali - 9/9/2014

I am just wondering how to cite Inquisit in-text. Is it like, Inquisit 4 (2014) or Inquisit 4.0.5 (2014)?

By Dave - 9/9/2014

Guidelines on citing software may vary to a certain degree from field to field, sometimes even from journal to journal. For general guidance see the relevant professional body's or journals publication manual / guidelines. For example, the APA Publication Manual, 6th edition, covers citing software in section 7.08; see e.g. for one example from that section. Also see
By JohnLopez - 8/10/2017

Here are lot's of a different format for citing material. If you want to cite millisecond material so read their citation guidelines. Or if you want to cite in apa referencing style so use APA citation generator. Here are min 16's citation available. Different universities make different citation styles and format. Like APA, MLA, Chicago and etc. I just shared one for help this tool gives you accurate citation without problem.