Millisecond Forums

Redirecting fine from Qualtrics but then skipping straight to end of IAT

By maf1974 - 10/2/2014

Hi All,
I have set up a survey in Qualtrics and used the "redirection" feature to send people to millisecond to complete the AgeIAT (as the dependent measure in my study).  I seem to have done all of that correctly as I can see the Qualtrics ResposeID URL parameter at the end of the URL line in Millisecond.  From there obviously the participant is instructed to install the .dmg file to get inquisit on to their local machine before they can run the IAT.  The problem is that after this has all happened and the user hits the "START" button, the IAT does not run.  The entire IAT is skipped and the user is taken directly to the final screen as if the survey were over, where the message reads: 

The session is complete, and your data were successfully uploaded. Thank you for your participation!                      If you would like to uninstall the Inquisit Web plugin, click here.

Am I overlooking some thing pretty simple here? I have been through the inquisit web script wizard numerous times but I cannot see where I have gone wrong.  Any help would be most appreciated.

By Dave - 10/2/2014

Your IAT script expects some sort of numerical ID to assign participants to the different block orders in the IAT (compatible vs incompatible first). Depending on how you set your script up, it will either use the subject id or the group id for that (check the <expt> and/or <variables> elements in the script). If /groupassignment is not explicitly set to 'groupnumber', subject id will be used for condition assignment. If this is the case and you feed in a non-numerical subject ID (such as a Qualtrics identifier), the script will fail as you describe: No condition applies. Similarly, if your script expects a numerical group ID for condition assignment but you don't supply any, it will fail.

Note that you can test all of this using Inquisit Lab: Simply type in alphanumerical (subject / group) ids or leave one out entirely. The script will behave identically on the web.