By Alexx - 10/12/2014
Is there any way to specify that stimuli should not be erased at the end of a block? I would have liked to use the reset (counter) function of blocks but not if the stimuli are erased, so I'm currently branching between trials instead of blocks Thanks,
By Dave - 10/12/2014
No, there isn't. A sneaky way to achieve the same effect, though, would be to set /screencolor = (transparent)
By Alexx - 10/13/2014
Thanks Dave, I did try your suggestion of setting screencolor to transparent (in defaults and also blocks), which actually made the screencolor magenta in color (but that's not important). The stimuli are still refreshed even with that setting. It's using whatever color the background is. Any suggestions?
By Dave - 10/13/2014
No, I don't have any other suggestion, I'm afraid. Keeping the branching at the <trial>-level it is then.