By sabu - 10/18/2014
Hi Dave,
I'd like to create a script to run a version of the Memory Confusion Protocol (Taylor et al., 1978), described in the Appendix of this publication:
In short, I'd like to present participants with a series of photos of individuals, one by one, with a little text blurb below each photo. Each photo + text will be shown approx. 10 seconds. There will be 8 photos and 24 sentences (each photo will be shown 3 times, each sentence only once). I'd like to randomize both the presentation of the photos and the presentation of the accompanying text. Participants don't need to do anything but view the photos and accompanying sentences that are displayed on the screen. Afterwards they will be given a "who said what" task (i.e. they'll be asked to match the sentences with the photos).
I'm somewhat of a newbie at Inquisit (though I have read through the tutorials), and I'm wondering if you can suggest an existing script to work from, that I can modify for my specific needs.
By Dave - 10/18/2014
The presentation part should be easy enough to set up based on the tutorials. You need one <picture> element for the 8x3 photos and a <text> element for 24 sentences. Then it's just:
<block presentationblock> / trials = [1-24=presentationtrial] </block>
<trial presentationrial> ... / stimulusframes = [1=sentence, photo] / validresponse = (noresponse) / trialduration = 10000 </trial>
Setting up the 2nd "who said what" part will be a little more complicated / depend on how exactly you envision it to work.
By Dave - 10/18/2014
Here's an extended example for you to work from (you need to change some of the <text> elements to <picture> elements, but otherwise it all works the same). The number of items is reduced to four sentences (1 to 4) and two individuals (A and B) for clarity / illustrative purposes. It can easily be extended to more (e.g. the full 24 sentences / 8 individuals set):
<expt> / blocks = [1=presentationblock; 2=recallblock] </expt>
<block presentationblock> / trials = [1-4=presentationtrial] </block>
<block recallblock> / trials = [1-4=recalltrial] </block>
*Display random sentence / photo pairing* *Store pairing in item elements for retrieval during recall* <trial presentationtrial> / ontrialend = [item.sentencerecallitems.item=text.sentence.currentitem;; ] / stimulusframes = [1=sentence, photo] / validresponse = (noresponse) / trialduration = 4000 </trial>
*Show random sentence for recall* *Retrieve associated photo from item element for response evaluation* <trial recalltrial> / stimulusframes = [1=sentencerecall, photoa.jpg, photob.jpg] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (photoa.jpg, photob.jpg) / iscorrectresponse = [trial.recalltrial.response==item.photorecallitems.item(text.sentencerecall.currentindex)] </trial>
<text sentence> / items = sentenceitems / position = (50%, 75%) </text>
<text sentencerecall> / items = sentencerecallitems / position = (50%, 75%) </text>
<text photo> / items = photoitems / position = (50%,50%) </text>
<text photoa.jpg> / items = ("PhotoA.jpg") / position = (25%,50%) </text>
<text photob.jpg> / items = ("PhotoB.jpg") / position = (75%,50%) </text>
<item sentenceitems> / 1 = "Sentence 1" / 2 = "Sentence 2" / 3 = "Sentence 3" / 4 = "Sentence 4" </item>
<item photoitems> / 1 = "PhotoA.jpg" / 2 = "PhotoA.jpg" / 3 = "PhotoB.jpg" / 4 = "PhotoB.jpg" </item>
<item sentencerecallitems> </item>
<item photorecallitems> </item>
Hope this helps.
By sabu - 10/18/2014
This is very helpful Dave, thanks a lot. I'll get at it...