@echo off
set INQUISITPATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client\sfttray.exe" /launch "Inquisit 4 v"
set SCRIPTPATH="\\fs02\huebel$\Dokumente\MASCOT\MASCOT.iqx"
set SCRIPTPATH2="\\fs02\huebel$\Dokumente\MASCOT\surveys.iqx"
set /p SID=Enter subject ID:
set /p GID=Enter group ID:
start "" /wait %INQUISITPATH% %SCRIPTPATH% -s %SID% -g %GID%
start /wait iexplore.exe https://www.soscisurvey.de/DUCTUS/
start "" /wait %INQUISITPATH% %SCRIPTPATH2% -s %SID% -g %GID%
Nearly everything is working fine now, but the Internet Explorer and the second Experiment fire up at the same time.
I can't manage that. Any idea how to fix it?
That would be great!