Millisecond Forums

Automatic redirecting to next page..

By Topher Hübel - 11/17/2014

I want the instruction page to end after 3 mins. Normally it worked, but it doesn't anymore.

<page einfuehrung>
^^^Herzlich Willkommen zum zweiten Teil!
^^^^^^Sie haben nun 3 Minuten Pause!
^Danach geht es automatisch weiter...

/ timeout = 180000
/ wait = 180000
/ lastlabel = "Bitte warten"
/ prevkey = (noresponse)
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ windowsize = (80%, 80%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

/ blocks = [1=CERQ; 2=DAS; 3=RSQ; 4=CEQ; 5=LOT; 6=STAIT; 7=BDI; 8=Ende]
/ preinstructions=(einfuehrung)

By Dave - 11/17/2014

You can work around this by using a <block> / <trial> to display your instructions instead:

<block pauseblock>
/ trials = [1=pausetrial]
/ timeout = 180000

/ blocks = [1=pauseblock; 2=CERQ; 3=DAS; 4=RSQ; 5=CEQ; 6=LOT; 7=STAIT; 8=BDI; 9=Ende]