By Jstaats - 12/4/2014
For some reason Inquisit cuts off stimuli on the right side of the screen. As you can see in the picture below.
These are the values for the stiimuli: <values> /squareheight = 4.1956cm /fontheight = 10% /leftsquare_x = 9.692cm /rightsquare_x = 43.439cm
/responsekey = 57 /responsekeylabel = "<SPACEBAR>"
/targetduration = 1000 /ITI = 500 /restduration = 60000 </values>
The screen is ~53 cm wide (24'' screen), so it should fit.
Does anyone know how I can change some settings to fix this?
Thanks in advance!
By Dave - 12/4/2014
Hard to tell without seeing the whole code, but my theory would be this:
(a) There's a 4:3 /canvasaspectratio defined in the script's <defaults>. (b) For some reason, said canvas region is *left-aligned*, either explicitly via /canvasposition or due to a glitch. The grey 4:3 overlay illustrates the effect.
Try explicitly setting
<defaults> ... / canvasposition = (50%,50%) ... </defaults>
and let me know if that resolves the issue or not. Thanks!
By Jstaats - 12/5/2014
It worked!
Thanks a lot!