By SimonaH. - 1/7/2015
I am trying to figure out how to measure response time of each option choice in a multiple options survey element where all options have to be subsequently chosen. The general idea is that a participant is instructed to perform a certain task (a mental task) 5 times in a row and the participant is supposed to indicate the performance of the task by ticking the box with the matching number of performed repetitions, ergo after the first performance of the task is done, they tick the box with Nr.1 , after the second time they tick the box with Nr.2 etc.
In Inquisit I use the element “checkboxes” to outline the instructions and the 5 option boxes for each task performance (the simple syntax is below).
The question is how could I measure the time between the onset of the trial until the box 1is ticked, between the 1st and 2nd box is ticked etc? I could go around it and separate the options in separate “checkboxes” elements and measure the time of each trial, however then the already ticked option won't be visible anymore. Or is there a way I could maybe save the script.lapstime every time an option is clicked (mouse click) within the “checkbox” element? (that way I could at least calculate the differences in time).
Thanks a lot!
here is the code:
<checkboxes survey.mentaltask> / caption="Please perfrom the mental task 5 times in a row.
After finishing each mental task, please tick the box of the number of repetitions done (i.e., fisrt imagination done, tick the box 1.). "
/ required = true / options=("1", "2", "3","4", "5") / correctresponse = ("1", "2", "3","4", "5") / position = (20, 20) / required = true / validresponse = ("1", "2", "3","4", "5") </checkboxes>
<surveypage survey.mentaltask> / showpagenumbers = false / fontstyle = ("Arial", 15pt) / showquestionnumbers = false / questions=[1=survey.mentaltask] / showbackbutton=false / nextlabel="Weiter" / finishlabel = "Weiter" / nextbuttonposition = (80%,80%) </surveypage>
By Dave - 1/7/2015
If you want to have individual latencies for each option choice, you need to either put each option on a separate <surveypage> or use <likert> or standard <trial> elements instead of <surveypage> / <checkboxes>. E.g.:
<values> / roundsstring = "" / round = 0 </values>
<block myblock> / trials = [1-5=mylikert] </block>
<likert mylikert> / ontrialbegin = [values.round+=1] / ontrialend = [values.roundsstring=concat(concat(values.roundsstring, values.round)," ")] / stimulusframes = [1=instructions, roundscompleted] / numpoints = 1 / position = (50%, 60%) / buttonvalues = [1="OK"] </likert>
<text instructions> / items = ("Please perform the mental task 5 times in a row. ~nAfter finishing each mental task, please click the box of the number of repetitions done (i.e., first imagination done, click the box 1.).") / position = (50%, 25%) / size = (90%, 30%) / erase = false </text>
<text roundscompleted> / items = ("Rounds completed: <%values.roundsstring%>") / position = (50%, 40%) / size = (90%, 10%) / erase = false </text>
You could also use <trial> / <text> etc. elements to essentially emulate a checkbox layout / behavior.
By SimonaH. - 1/8/2015
Thanks a lot, it works perfectly!