By Zooahh - 1/15/2015
I am searching for a way to be able to see in my rawdata files the exact key the participants pressed on every single trial. What I mean is that,for now,I can only see which key they pressed when they pressed one of the two valid keys(50 or 44) and a 0 when they either pressed a wrong/invalid key or pressed no key at all. How could see which exact key they pressed when they pressed an invalid key and still differentiate with when they pressed no key at all?
Here is my data element: <data> /file = "CPTRosvold_rawdata.iqdat" / columns = [date time subject blockcode blocknum trialcode trialnum response values.cresp values.stimtype text.stimiexp.currentitem text.stimiprac.currentitem latency correct numcorrect percentcorrect meanlatency stimulusonset script.elapsedtime] / separatefiles = true </data>
Thank you very much!
By Dave - 1/16/2015
If you want a <trial> to accept *any* key as input, you ought to define
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)