Millisecond Forums

Inquisit 3 and GazePoint eyetracker compatibility.

By ***JayD*** - 2/1/2015

We've recently purchased a Gazepoint GP3 eyetracker and I was wondering if it is compatible with Inquisit 3? I have looked on the Millisecond website and the only eyetracking systems that seem to be mentioned are ASL and Tobii (for which I think a plugin is needed).
Is there no way to sync up Inquisit to Gazepoint (e.g. via a network port)?
By Dave - 2/1/2015

No, there is no Inquisit 3 support for that eye tracker. Neither is it possible to sync using ethernet, I'm afraid.
By ***JayD*** - 2/1/2015

OK, thanks for the reply Dave.
By Dave - 2/2/2015

It should add that -- provided your eye tracker hard- & software supports it -- Inquisit 3 can still send TTL signals to & receive TTL signals from the device via either the serial or the parallel port. That may allow for sufficient synchronization (e.g. start / stop acquisition, send a stimulus marker to the tracker, etc.) depending on what exactly you aim to do. It won't enable Inquisit 3 to "see", work with and record the full gaze data stream coming from the eye tracker, though. Hope this helps.