Millisecond Forums

Question about branching/conditionality

By Iainh - 2/8/2015


I'm considering purchasing Inquisit for an experiment I'll be running, but I'm unsure if Inquisit can do exactly what I need it to do.

Participants will be asked to actively respond to the stimuli presented on screen, apart from when there is a 'stop signal' stimulus, in which case they don't respond. If they correctly respond (which is to say, they don't respond), the next stop-signal will occur at the prior delay plus 50ms; if they incorrectly respond it will be at the prior delay at minus 50ms.

Essentially, the code would need to do something like: 'If the correct response is to not respond (i.e. not press a key), but the participant presses a key, then the timing of a certain stimulus on the next trial will alter by 50ms'.

I can imagine how to progam this in JavaScript, but in my ignorance I'm unsure if Inquisit code can handle this too - i.e. if it can register that no key was pressed, evaluate whether this constitutes this thing that the participant was supposed to do, and alter the nature of the next trial accordingly.

Any thoughts appreciated!

Kind regards,


By Dave - 2/8/2015

Yes, Inquisit can do that. In fact, implementations of such a stop-signal paradigm already exist:
By Iainh - 2/8/2015

Hi Dave,

Many thanks for confirming that and thanks for the link.

Kind regards,
