By Varta - 2/9/2015
I'm currently running an experiment plus knowledge test. My problem lies with the output of the knowledge test. The tasks here are mulitple choice questions like this:
<radiobuttons nr.1> / caption = "......" / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / required = true / correctresponse = ("4") / validresponse = ("1","2","3","4") / options = ("aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd") / optionvalues = ("1","2","3","4") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) </radiobuttons>
Now, I wanted Inquisit to give me the correct response in the output - I never really tried this, but apparently there should be a column for this data. So, I defined the data as:
<data> / columns = [date time subject blocknum trialnum trialcode latency response correct stimulusnumber stimulusnumber] / labels = TRUE </data>
Unfortunatly, I still don't get any correct response column in my data. Did I miss something? I'm vey grateful for any help on this matter.
By Dave - 2/9/2015
What you are missing is that the <data> element does not apply to <survey>s. It only applies to <block>s. There currently is no way to customize data output for <survey> elements. You can, however, run your <surveypage>s via <block>s instead.
By Varta - 2/9/2015
Thanks for your quick reply. That's good to know!