I found this post from a few years ago-
Dave (2/16/2013)
You should log suitable computer properties to the data file then. There's computer.ipaddress, but computer.macaddress may be preferrable (IPs change, MACs don't, etc.). Details can be found in the documentation.
Regardless, as long as you designed / set up things properly and people complete both tasks in the same session, you should not need any of the above. You should be able to match data based on participants' subjectid.
Finally note that the data file names contain the IP address, i.e., you should also be able to match files from both tasks based on the respective file names.
If this is true then I suppose it is not necessary to log the IP Address in the data file since it is stored in the data file name. However, the computer.macaddress command also has not worked on my machine which would be good to have.
Thanks again for your help!