Millisecond Forums

Use nextkey in whole experiment

By DaNylz - 3/17/2015

Hi, I am creating an experiment that is basically working through a questionnaire.
I will enter the participants answers directly into inquisit instead of showing it to the participant.

It would be a lot faster to select the answer on each surveypage but to be able to jump to the next page
by pressing a nextkey instead of moving the mouse cursor from the MC area down to the "Next" Button.

So basically I want to select the answer to the questions on that page by mouse but jump to the next page by pressing a keyboard button.
Is that even possible?

What I tried:

<surveypage 01_C_CIDISOM01>
/caption = "1. Picture 1"
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ fontstyle = ("Tahoma", 25px, false, false, false)
/ questions=[1=color; 2=size; 3=somemoreshit; 4=blabla]
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ nextlabel = "NEXT (space)"
/ backlabel = "BACK (B)"
/ nextkey = (" ")
/ prevkey = ("b")
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ nextbuttonposition = (85, 85)
/ backbuttonposition = (05, 85)
/ showpagenumbers = false

By Dave - 3/17/2015

> So basically I want to select the answer to the questions on that page by mouse but jump to the next page by pressing a
> keyboard button.
> Is that even possible?

No, that's not possible. However, you can keyboard-navigate through surveypages / questions using the TAB key. TAB'ing to the next button and pressing ENTER will submit the responses.