By Y.Qureshi - 3/23/2015
Dear all,
I have created an experiment with several questionnaires to be filled out at the end. In order to keep the appearance coherent I continuously used the drop-down boxes as answer option. Inquisit has created the surveypages with a "NEXT" button on the right bottom of the page. Unfortunately the button covers some of the questions and I was wondering if there is a way to move the "NEXT" button further to the lower right of the screen.
Would any of you know if this is possible at all? And if yes, how to do it?
Thank you in advance, Y. Qureshi
By Dave - 3/23/2015
Yes. You can set the button's position via the <survey>'s or <surveypage>'s /nextbuttonposition attribute.
By Y.Qureshi - 3/23/2015
That worked great. Thank you!