By DCole9 - 4/3/2015
Hi Inquisiteers, I'm trying to change the validresponse of a trial based on user input (right or left handed) to ensure the button they need to press is for their non-dominant hand. I'm running into an issue using the typical <%values.handedness%> formula.
Here is what I've tried. <values> /handedness = 38 </values> <trial mytrial> /stimulusframes = [1 = fixation, target] /validresponse = (<%values.handedness%>) </trial>
I've tried /handedness = "38", ("<%values.handedness%>"), (values.handedness), and plain <%values.handedness, to no avail. Is this not possible to do or is there perhaps another way to solve the problem?
By Dave - 4/3/2015
You ought to use /isvalidresponse, not /validresponse, as in
<trial sometrial> ... / isvalidresponse = [trial.sometrial.response == values.handedness] ... </trial>
By DCole9 - 4/3/2015
Thanks Dave, did the trick.