Millisecond Forums

Inquisit 3 to 4 compatibility

By ***JayD*** - 5/8/2015


We're thinking of purchasing Inquisit 4 to run my new experiment (using a script written in Inquisit 3), but I've just downloaded a trial version of 4 and my script won't run. The script works perfectly in 3, but when I open it in 4 the task stops about 1 second into the first trial. It then gives the same 3 errors in the Output window again and again:

Inquisit Error: Line 208, File BlockElement.cpp.
Inquisit Error: Line 130, File Expt.cpp.
Inquisit Error: Line 208, File BlockElement.cpp.

The lines in question are shown below:

<port xdat25>
/ port = eyetracker
/ items = ("00011001")
</port> ********************* Line 208 *********************

<port xdat11>
/ port = eyetracker
/ items = ("00001011")
/ erase = "00000000" ****************** Line 130 *****************

<item Diamond_Bottom_Right>
/ 1 = "DIAMOND.bmp" ****************** Line 325 ********************

XDATS 11 and 25 are identical to all of the others, and the "DIAMOND.bmp" is in the folder and works when I use Inquisit 3.

I'm not sure what to do next as I'm new to version 4.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



By Dave - 5/8/2015

Could you put the entire script and associated files (images, etc.) in a ZIP archive and attach it to this thread?

You can upload files by clicking +Insert when posting a reply. Thanks!

Also: What type of eye tracker are you using?
By ***JayD*** - 5/18/2015

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your reply (and apologies for my delayed response, I've been away from my computer for the past few days). 

I've attached the folder containing my script ('Standard' and 'Counterbalanced' are essentially the same script, with the value of the red and blue stimuli simply swapped).


By ***JayD*** - 5/18/2015

P.S. The eye-tracker is the ASL (Applied Science Laboratories) Long Range Optics 5000 (504) series (for use in an fMRI).

