Millisecond Forums

window size

By lotteettol - 5/11/2015

I have almost finished my study I just need some last advice.
Up to now I set the defaults as follows:

/minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.52%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ screencolor = white
/ txcolor = black
/ txbgcolor = white
/ windowsize = (1000px, 744px)

Unfortunately, the command "windowsize" does not cover the whole screen so that a part of the screen stays visible which could distract my subjects. But of course, I want it to be suitable for all possible screen sizes so that I can't simply widen the size.
Could you tell me an easier way (than integrating html pages - I simply don't know how to do it) to fix the windowsize so that my instructions (which are often no real "instructions" but "captions" or "texts") are shown in a fix window and that my pictures which are sometimes involved in the text don't get mixed up with the text?
Thank you!
By Dave - 5/11/2015

You should not use the <defaults> element's /windowsize attribute to do this. Instead use the /canvassize, /canvasposition and/or /canvasaspectratio attributes to achieve consistent results across varying screen sizes / display resolutions:

/minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.52%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ screencolor = white
/ txcolor = black
/ txbgcolor = white
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (4,3)
/ canvasposition = (50%, 50%)
By lotteettol - 5/11/2015

Thank you! But with these commands all my texts slip a bit to the left...?
In one page I integrated a picture of a "2" in an exact position in the text. Will it be shown in the same position in the text on all screens with this command?
Thanks again.
By Dave - 5/11/2015

> Thank you! But with these commands all my texts slip a bit to the left...?

Yes, because 1000px * 744px isn't exactly a 4:3 ratio (1000/744=1.344...; 4/3=1.333...).

> Will it be shown in the same position in the text on all screens with this command?

This depends entirely on how you positioned the respective <text> element. In general you should express any and all /size and /position attributes throughout your script in percentages. Then you'll get consistent results across resolutions / screen sizes.