By nakayama - 6/29/2015
Hi, Mr. Dave. I am wondering whether inquisit 4 can do this: On the beginning of the block, list randomly select a number. How can we track down that number? Since at the end of that block, the number will decrease or increase by 1 from the one that was selected. I use this syntax but doesn't work. Thank you for your concern! <list selection> / selectionmode = random / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) </list> <values> /step=10 /count=list.selection </values>
<block 1> / onblockbegin = [list.selection] / trials = [1= standard;2=target;3=question] / onblockend = [if(openended.question.correct)list.selection.currentvalue -=1 else list.selection.currentvalue +=1] / branch = [if (list.selection.currentvalue==10 && openended.question.correct) 0] / branch = [if(list.selection.currentvalue<10)block.1] </block> Best, nakayama
By Dave - 6/29/2015
To select a value at random from a <list> and store it, do:
<list somelist> / items = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) </list>
<values> / count = 0 ... </values>
<expt> / onextpbegin = [values.count = list.somelist.nextvalue] / blocks = [1=1] ... </expt>
Then work with / in- or de-crease values.count in your <block> as needed.
By nakayama - 6/30/2015
Thank you Dave! I modified it. However, when I ran my script I showed this: Direct2D Warning: 0x8899000c A presentation error has occurred that may be recoverable. The caller needs to re-create the render target then attempt to render the frame again. Line 779, File win\Direct2DGraphics.cpp Would you please take a look at my draft? I was trying to start a the target stimulus with the duration randomly from (10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100) Thank you for your time!
By Dave - 6/30/2015
Various issues in that script; pay closer attention to any warnings and error messages when you parse and run, then fix them. Main problem was you using /stimulusframes instead of /stimulustimes in <trial target>. Compare to the attached.
You may also want to take a closer look at the "How to Control Trial Duration and Inter-Trial Intervals" topic in the documentation to make sure you understand Inquisit's timing model and the resulting timings are what you intend them to be.
By nakayama - 6/30/2015
Thank you Dave! I appreciate it very much! I read it. As for timing, is it correct to define the duration of stimulus as "100ms" like this? <trial standard> / stimulustimes = [1=fixation;2000=target] / recorddata = true / timeout = 2100 </trial>
Best, nakayama
By Dave - 6/30/2015
Yes, that /stimulustimes setup combined with a 2100 ms /timeout would result in a display duration of approx. 100 ms for the stimulus "target".
By nakayama - 6/30/2015
Thank you Dave!Very appreciated.