Millisecond Forums

Video freezing on final frame

By ewa2702 - 7/8/2015

Hey all,

When I run my script, the video freezes on the final frame, and I am not entirely sure why... It's a pretty simple script which shows participants one of two randomly-selected videos. Has anyone had any similar problems or experience in fixing this?

My script is:

/condition = round(rand(1,2))

<expt conditionmanipulation>
/ blocks = [1=video]

/fontstyle = ("Tahoma", 15px, false, false)

<page videoinstruct>
~nYou are about to watch a short video. It may take a few moments to load, so please be patient.

<block video>
/trials = [1=videocontainer]
/screencolor = black
/preinstructions = (videoinstruct)

<trial videocontainer>
/stimulustimes = [3000=manipulation]
/timeout = 415000

<video manipulation>
/ items = ("Scream.wmv","Plants.wmv")
/ select = values.condition
/ playthrough = true
/ size = (30%, 30%)

Any help is much appreciated, thanks!!
By Dave - 7/8/2015

Your <trial> accepts no input and automatically times out after about 7 minutes. If the videos are shorter than 7 minutes, their final frame will be displayed until the trial terminates.
By ewa2702 - 7/8/2015

The video is 6:42, hence it should automatically time out 10 seconds or so after it finishes. But it doesn't. Would you recommend just removing the time-out parameter completely?
By Dave - 7/8/2015

Hmm, that's weird. Try changing the <trial> definition to

<trial videocontainer>
/stimulustimes = [3000=manipulation]
/ validresponse = (0)
/timeout = 10000

That should have the <trial> terminate immediately after the video playback is complete. When the <video>'s /playthrough attribute is set to true, you can specify a timeout or trialduration < the video duration. The video will play back fully nonetheless.
By ewa2702 - 7/8/2015

That was perfect, thank you so much!!