By HiWi - 7/15/2015
Hello,I am new to inquisit and I am having some difficulty programming a date to choose. Can I do this with the dropdown option? I'd love to have: day-month-year and the best would be numbers-written month-e.g. 5-Aug-2015
By Dave - 7/15/2015
Sure. You'd need three <dropdown> elements on your <surveypage>, one for the day, one for the month, one for the year.
<dropdown day> / caption = "Day" / options = ("01", "02", "03", "...", "31") / position = (5%, 10%) </dropdown>
<dropdown month> / caption = "Month" / options = ("January", "February", "March", "...", "December") / position = (12%, 10%) </dropdown>
<dropdown year> / caption = "Year" / options = ("2000", "2001", "2002", "...", "2015") / position = (25%, 10%) </dropdown>
<surveypage mypage> / questions = [1=day; 2=month; 3=year] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false </surveypage>
By HiWi - 7/16/2015
Great thank you. And how can I get two questions onto the same page concerning the date so they don't block each other?
By HiWi - 7/16/2015
By Dave - 7/16/2015
You use the respective question elements' /position attributes to place them on the page as needed. See the example in my previous reply, which makes use of /position to place the three <dropdown>s side-by-side on the page.