Millisecond Forums

White box on survey page when no response is given

By Chemical_Music - 7/23/2015


I am making a survey page that asks about participants' mood, and it is virtually complete. However, there is one issue - if you hit the "finish" button without clicking one of the radio buttons, a white box appears over the stimuli, as shown below:
I've tried setting all the stimuli to erase = false, but this doesn't seem to help. Is this a problem with survey page, or maybe my implementation of the radio buttons?
I wanted to use radio buttons in particular so I could designate the data output numerically (0-4), as opposed to having the output be the name of the picture (b1-b5) the participant clicks.

Here is my code:
/screencolor = white

<Page aftermoodq>
You're doing great! Press the 'Space' bar to proceed to the next game.

<page end>
Nice! Please press the 'Space' bar to continue.

<expt MoodTest>
/blocks = [1 = MoodQ]
/postinstructions = (aftermoodq)

<block MoodQ>
/preinstructions = (end)
/trials = [1 = MQ]

<surveypage MQ>
/stimulustimes = [0 = happylabel, nothappylabel, somewhathappy, moodquestion, MoodInstructions, scale, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5]
/questions = [1 = Mquestion]
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false

<radiobuttons Mquestion>
/size = (1%, 1%)
/position = (10%, 57%)
/caption = ""
/ options = ("                 ", "                 ", "                 ", "                 ", "                 ")
/optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4")
/orientation = horizontal
/required = true

<item b1>
/1 = "NotHappy.jpg"

<item b2>
/1 = "SecondNotHappy.jpg"

<item b3>
/1 = "SomewhatHappy.jpg"

<item b4>
/1 = "SecondHappiest.jpg"

<item b5>
/1 = "Happiest.jpg"

<picture b1>
/erase = false
/items = b1
/size = (12%, 12%)
/ position = (10%, 50%)

<picture b2>
/erase = false
/items = b2
/size = (12%, 12%)
/ position = (30%, 50%)

<picture b3>
/erase = false
/items = b3
/size = (12%, 12%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)

<picture b4>
/erase = false
/items = b4
/size = (12%, 12%)
/ position = (70%, 50%)

<picture b5>
/erase = false
/items = b5
/size = (12%, 12%)
/position = (90%, 50%)

<item scale>
/1 = "scale.jpg"

<picture scale>
/erase = false
/items = scale
/size = (80%,5%)
/position = (50%,50%)

<Text MoodQuestion>
/erase = false
/items = ("How happy are you right now?")
/position = (50%, 40%)
/size = (100%, 20%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 32pt, true)

<text NotHappyLabel>
/erase = false
/items = ("Not happy at all")
/position = (10%, 70%)
/size = (20%, 20%)

<text HappyLabel>
/erase = false
/items = ("Very happy!")
/position = (90%, 70%)
/size = (20%, 20%)

<text SomewhatHappy>
/erase = false
/items = ("Somewhat happy")
/position = (50%, 70%)
/size = (20%, 20%)

<text MoodInstructions>
/items = ("Use the mouse to choose the face that best describes you!")
/erase = false
/position = (50%, 46%)
/size = (100%, 20%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 16pt, true)

Thank you for your help!
By Dave - 7/23/2015

This a limitation in how <surveypage>s work in Inquisit 4. If responding to a question is mandatory but no response is given, the question will be re-drawn (and if there is a /caption, it will be displayed in red). However, any stimuli displayed via the <surveypage>'s /stimulustimes or -frames are *not* redrawn. This is what happens here. Unfortunately there is no good way to avoid or work around this.

You may thus want to consider alternatives. For example, you could set up a standard <trial> element that performs essentially the same function or use a <likert> element.

By Chemical_Music - 7/26/2015

I will try with a likert - thank you for your help!