Millisecond Forums

making key event signal.

By Sato - 8/6/2015

I want to make the following program.

the program make the key event signal When a trial start.
(For example, the program make a pressing "S" key signal, when a trial begin.
However, participant don't press "S" key.)

I would like to add for "ontrialbegin" and "ontraialend".
By Dave - 8/6/2015

You cannot send signals or create keypress events via logic in /ontrialbegin or /ontrialend.

Your description suggests that you want to create a script that "simulates" events that have not actually happened. I have trouble seeing why you would want to do that. Please explain what exactly you want to achieve and why. Then, perhaps, I can make a concrete suggestion.
By Sato - 8/6/2015

Thanks for your comment.

I would like to create the signal, because I want to record the signal by another soft ware.

For example, eye mark recorder soft ware can record the Key press event.
If I create key event signal when trials begin, It become easy that I synchronize Inquisit's data and eye mark recorder's data.
By Dave - 8/6/2015

Hmm, well, it's not possible. The way, however, to insert markers into eyetracking data is to set up <port> elements and display them via /stimulustimes, /stimulusframes or /responsemessage attributes. See e.g. for a simple example.