Millisecond Forums

RT (latency) feedback

By JuliaH - 8/10/2015

I would like to display RTfeedback (latency feedback) in addition to error feedback after each practice trial. I am using the CRSD-ANT. It currently displays only error feedback.
I have no background in programming or coding and am new to Inquisit. I realize there might be an easy answer to it.

Thank you for your help !
By Dave - 8/10/2015

Several options depending on the *type* of RT feedback you want to display. What you probably want to do is simply add the already existing RTFeedback <text> element

<text RTfeedback>
/items = ("your speed: <%(trial.nocue2.sumlatency + trial.centercue2.totalsumlatency + trial.doublecue2.sumlatency + trial.spatialcue2.sumlatency)/(trial.centercue2.count + trial.nocue2.count + trial.doublecue2.count + trial.spatialcue2.count)%> ms")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/position = (50%, 40%)

to the practice feedback <trial> element's /stimulusframes:

<trial practice_feedback>
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.validcorrect == 1) { = green; values.selectfeedback = 2} else { = red; values.selectfeedback = 1}]
/stimulusframes = [1 = fixation, feedback, rtfeedback]
/trialduration = values.practicefeedback_duration
/branch = [trial.iti]
/recorddata = false
By JuliaH - 8/10/2015

Hi Dave, thank you for your reply.
I have added the 'rtfeedback' in the space you suggested and it does show RT feedback in the practice trials when I run the script
However, the RT feedback that it provides is an average feedback of all previous trials. Is it possible to give RT feedback of each trial, rather than an average RT?
Thanks! Julia
By Dave - 8/10/2015

Yes. If you only want to report the last individual latency, change <text rtfeedback> to

<text RTfeedback>
/items = ("your speed: <%block.ant_practice.latency%> ms")
By JuliaH - 8/10/2015

Thanks Dave, that works perfectly.