By Georgia - 8/10/2015
Hello, I am having issues with implementing slider questions properly and I don't know if what I want is possible. Specifically: 1) The position of the slider itself and the labels should line up 2) The entire question should be centered on the page but with a space between the question and the actual slider and labels 3) There should not be a random number "1" on the top left hand corner of each page 4) I do not want question numbers on the surveypage (i.e., no "1)." before each question)
Here is a sample of one slider question I have coded:
<slider neuroticism_volatility_1> /caption = "Get angry easily." / labels = ("Very Untrue of me", "Untrue of me", "True of me", "Very True of me") / range = (0, 100) /showticks = TRUE /defaultresponse = 50 /position = (20, 50) /txcolor = (200, 0, 0) /slidersize = (50%, 50%) </slider>
<surveypage question> /questions = [1=neuroticism_volatility_1] </surveypage>
<block forreal> /trials = [1-100=question] </block>
<expt> /blocks = [1=forreal] </expt>
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
By Dave - 8/10/2015
> 1) The position of the slider itself and the labels should line up
They do line up as far as I can tell, though perhaps not in the way you want them to. The center of a given label is aligned to the slider tick it corresponds to (e.g. the center of "Very Untrue of me" is aligned to the 0 tick mark. This cannot be changed.
> 2) The entire question should be centered on the page but with a space between the question and the actual slider and labels.
Positions on surveypage's are relative to the element's left border. With a /size (note: this is something different than /slidersize) of 60% (horizontal), positioning it at 20% should center it. You can include a linebreak in the /caption to get the spacing.
> 3) There should not be a random number "1" on the top left hand corner of each page
Set the <surveypage>'s /showpagenumbers attribute to false to remove it. (The number is not random; it's the page number -- run several surveypages via a <survey> element to see this for yourself.)
> 4) I do not want question numbers on the surveypage (i.e., no "1)." before each question)
Set the <surveypage>'s /showquestionnumbers attribute to false to remove it.
<slider neuroticism_volatility_1> / caption = "Get angry easily.~n" / labels = ("Very Untrue of me", "Untrue of me", "True of me", "Very True of me") / range = (0, 100) /showticks = TRUE /defaultresponse = 50 /position = (20%, 50%) /txcolor = (200, 0, 0) /slidersize = (50%, 25%) / size = (60%, 25%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%) </slider>
<surveypage question> /questions = [1=neuroticism_volatility_1] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false </surveypage>
<block forreal> /trials = [1=question] </block>
<expt> /blocks = [1=forreal] </expt>
Hope this helps.
By Georgia - 8/11/2015
Thanks, this helped a lot!