By lsolomyak - 9/16/2015
Hello, I am coding a few experiments that I need to timeout after a certain amount of time has passed. When I add the timeout variable in expt, it skips some of the blocks in the experiment. I need each of those blocks to be self paced so I cannot have the block timeout. Has anyone had this problem or have any suggestions of how to fix it?
Thank you so much, LS
By Dave - 9/16/2015
I think we've discussed this -- admittedly -- weird bug/issue as well as possible workaround strategies previously here:
What's outlined there is still the way to go.
By lsolomyak - 9/17/2015
Hi Dave,
The solution wasn't working for me earlier so i decided to re-post it, but I finally got it to work.
Thank you! LS