Millisecond Forums

IAT link

By Laian - 10/11/2015

Hello, how can I get the link for an IAT I've created and add it to Active Web Scripts (under Inquisit web scripts)?
By Dave - 10/11/2015

Log into your account, go to and click the "Register New Script" button. Follow the on-screen instructions to upload your IAT script and associated materials.

In case you already have as many active scripts as you have web licenses, you need to remove / unregister one of the existing scripts before you can add a new one.
By Laian - 10/12/2015

Thanks! I've managed that. Now I want to add 2 other IATs. How can I do that without unregistering the existing IAT?
By Dave - 10/12/2015

A single web license allows you to register a single active script. You cannot add further scripts without further licenses. If your 3 IATs comprise a *single study*, i.e., you want your participants to complete all three, you need to create a script containing one or several <batch> elements that reference the three IAT scripts. The script with the <batch> elements is the one you ought to register as your (single) active web script. You then upload the three "actual" scripts in the 2nd step.
By Laian - 10/12/2015

Got it, thanks.
How and where do I create a script containing several batch elements?

By Dave - 10/12/2015

Suppose you have two scripts A.iqx and B.iqx and want to randomly assign participants to etheir order A->B or B->A via <batch> elements. Open Inquisit and type

/ file = "A.iqx"
/ file = "B.iqx"
/ subjects = (1 of 2)
/ groupassignment = random

/ file = "B.iqx"
/ file = "A.iqx"
/ subjects = (2 of 2)
/ groupassignment = random

Save the file as e.g. batch.iqx in the same location as the two scripts A.iqx and B.iqx.

Extend as needed for as many scripts and orders as you require.

Also see the language reference topic for the <batch> element in the documentation, as well as the "Running Sequences of Inquisit Scripts and Other Applications" and "How to Combine Multiple Scripts" topics for further details.
By Laian - 10/13/2015

Ok, thank you. I will be using the 'include' option to combine and randomize my 3 IATs. The example given in  "how to combine multiple scripts" includes 2 IATs. So I am confused as to the number and order of subjects that I need to have. For the 2 IATS it is (1 of 4) and then (2 of 4). What should it be for 3 IATs? 

By Dave - 10/13/2015

First, I'd recommend sticking with <batch> elements which are far easier to set up. Only go for the <include> option if there are good reasons to do so.

If you really want to or must merge the 3 IATs into a single script via <include>, the number of orders derives from the number of IATs plus the fact the each individual IAT has two different block orders (compatible first vs. incompatible first). How many conditions you need, depends on whether you want to counterbalance the block orders as well and whether you want to do it fully.

The example in the documentation flips the order of IATs, but within each condition the block order for both IATs is the same. So you have

#1: IAT1 (compatible first) -> IAT2 (compatible first)
#2: IAT2 (compatible first) -> IAT1 (compatible first)
#3: IAT1 (incompatible first) -> IAT2 (incompatible first)
#4: IAT2 (incompatible first) -> IAT1 (incompatible first)

You'll notice that there is no condition that does e.g.

IAT1 (compatible first) -> IAT2 (incompatible first)

Now, if you simply want to extend that to 3 IATs (block order identical within a condition), you end up with 12 conditions (that's simple combinatorics).

Six IAT orders, all with the compatible blocks first
#1: IAT1 (compatible first) -> IAT2 (compatible first) -> IAT3 (compatible first)
#2: IAT1 (compatible first) -> IAT3 (compatible first) -> IAT2 (compatible first)
#3: IAT2 (compatible first) -> IAT1 (compatible first) -> IAT3 (compatible first)
#4: IAT2 (compatible first) -> IAT3 (compatible first) -> IAT1 (compatible first)
#5: IAT3 (compatible first) -> IAT1 (compatible first) -> IAT2 (compatible first)
#6: IAT3 -> (compatible first) IAT2 (compatible first) -> IAT1 (compatible first)
and another six, all with the incompatible blocks first
#7: IAT1 (incompatible first) -> IAT2 (incompatible first) -> IAT3 (incompatible first)
#8: IAT1 (incompatible first) -> IAT3 (incompatible first) -> IAT2 (incompatible first)
#9: IAT2 (incompatible first) -> IAT1 (incompatible first) -> IAT3 (incompatible first)
#10: IAT2 (incompatible first) -> IAT3 (incompatible first) -> IAT1 (incompatible first)
#11: IAT3 (incompatible first) -> IAT1 (incompatible first) -> IAT2 (incompatible first)
#12: IAT3 -> (incompatible first) IAT2 (incompatible first) -> IAT1 (incompatible first)

If you don't want to realize all orders or want to (partly) counterbalance block order within each condition, you need either more or less conditions. That's entirely up to you.

But again, I see no immediate advantage over using <batch>, so I would strongly recommend doing that instead.
By Laian - 10/21/2015

Thank you. The 'how to combine multiple scripts' mentions that with <batch> I cannot randomize the order of IATs. Is there any way around this?
By Dave - 10/21/2015

It is perfectly possible to control / randomize the order using multiple <batch> elements. You can find that covered earlier in this very thread:

By Laian - 11/11/2015

Hello, I have created a batch script for 3 of my IATs and copied the link into Qualtrics. I am having participants take surveys in Qualtrics and the IATs at the end of the surveys. The only way to link my participants is by ID number, however, I have several IDs in the IAT summary data that I cannot trace back to Qualtrics.
My main concern is, when my IAT script is active, is it visible online to others besides my targeted participants? So could it be that other random people are taking it?

By Dave - 11/11/2015

Your launch page is publicly accessible and it needs to be -- otherwise none of Qualtrics participants would be able to get to it. Since you did not explain how you match IDs between Qualtrics and Inquisit ("The only way to link my participants is by ID number") -- i.e. what specific ID you are using, when and where is it generated, how you transfer it from Qualtrics to Inquisit, etc. -- I cannot comment on the apparently non-matching IDs. Since the launch page is public, though, it is *possible* (albeit unlikely) that random people are participating (but why would they?) It seems more likely to me that some of your Qualtrics participant may have copied the link and either decided to (re-)do the experiment at a later point either or provided the link to others. But that is just a guess.
By Laian - 11/11/2015

Right, thanks. I am asking for the last 4 digits of their (student) IDs and I specify that they use the same last 4 digits at the start of the IATs. A 'question' in the survey is the 'last 4 digits of the ID number'. 
By Dave - 11/11/2015

Then it's of course possible for participants to (mistakenly) enter different IDs in Qualtrics vs. in Inquisi, thus producing mismatches. What you'll usually want to do is have Qualtrics forward its unique respondent ID to the Inquisit launch page via a URL query parameter, have the launch page read that parameters value (the ID) and use that as subject ID. See the "How to interoperate Inquisit with online survey packages" topic in the documentation for general info and this thread for some specifcs (including links to the pertinent topics in the Qualtrics documentation):
By Laian - 11/18/2015

OK, so I have followed all the below steps, and managed to see the unique participant ID appended to the outgoing millisecond URL at the end of the survey, but once I clicked on the link, the IAT launch page wouldn't open. It said: Page cannot be found. Any idea why this could be happening?

"Another way to do this is to have your participants start in the survey web site, and use whatever method that survey offers for creating a unique identifier for each respondent. When the survey is finished, configure the survey package to forward each participant to the Inquisit launch page address, and to append the respondent's unique id to the url as query parameters. Query parameters are a standard mechanism for sharing data between different web sites, and many survey packages have this capability. Consult the support resources offered by your survey package for instructions on how to forward participants to a url with the subject id as a query parameter.

The following shows an example of a url to an Inquisit experiment with a query parameter at the end of it:    

The url contains a single parameters named "respondentid", the values of which is "134". Inquisit can be configured to handle any parameter name. You will have to configure your survey package to dynamically insert the appropriate id value for each participant.

To configure Inquisit to retrieve the subject id from the query parameter, simply run through the webscript registration wizard. When asked how to generate subject ids, select the "Query Parameter" option and specify the name of the parameter (in this case, the name is "respondentid"). That's it, Inquisit will now extract this subject number from the url and record it in the data file."

By Laian - 11/18/2015

Nevermind. I've figured it out! Thanks anyway. 
By Laian - 12/9/2015

Hi Dave,

Is there any way to automatically download separate data files for each participant orr will I have to do it manually?
By Dave - 12/9/2015

You would have to do that manually. When you select multiple files (by checking the boxes next to them), the selected files will be merged into a single file upon downloading.