By mhenein - 10/27/2015
I was wondering if anyone has ever tried to use images as stimuli in a likert scale measure. I am trying to add a different picture for each question but when I run the experiment it won't show the image, it just shows the name of the image. Anybody have any adivce? I've attached my script below.
<expt> / blocks = [1=likertsb] </expt>
<text sb> /size = (500, 70) /items = sbquests /position = (50, 50) /halign = center /select = noreplace </text>
<item sbquests> /1 = "bm1.gif" /2 = "bm2.gif" /3 = "bm3.gif" /4 = "bm4.gif" /5 = "bm5.gif" /6 = "wm2.gif" /7 = "wm1.gif" /8 = "wm3.gif" /9 = "wm4.gif" /10 = "wm5.gif" </item>
<picture black> / numitems = 5 / select = RANDOM / items = ("bm1.gif", "bm2.gif", "bm3.gif", "bm4.gif", "bm5.gif") </picture>
<picture white> / numitems = 5 / select = RANDOM / items = ( "wm1.gif", "wm2.gif", "wm3.gif", "wm4.gif", "wm5.gif") </picture>
<likert sb> /buttonvalues = [1="0"; 2="1"; 3="2"; 4="3";5="4"; 6="5";7="6"] / anchors = [1="Not at all similar to me"; 7="Extremely similar to me"] / stimulusframes = [1 = sb] /anchorwidth = 120 /inputdevice= mouse / mouse=true / numpoints=7 / position= (50, 80) </likert>
<block likertsb> / preinstructions=(rate_sb) / trials = [1-10 = sb] </block>
By Dave - 10/27/2015
Your <likert> is *not* displaying the <picture> element. It is displaying a <text> element, <text sb> to be precise.
<likert sb> ... / stimulusframes = [1 = sb] ... </likert>
<text sb> ... /items = sbquests ... </text>
If you want it to display a <picture> element, display said element via the <likert>'s /stimulusframes just like you would any other stimulus in any other regular <trial>.
<picture mypicture> / items = pictureitems ... </picture>
<item pictureitems> / 1 = "A.jpg" / 2 = "B.jpg" ... </item>
<likert somelikert> / stimulusframes = [1=mypicture, ...] ... </likert>
You'll find those basics covered in more detail in the tutorials contained in the Inquisit documentation. I you haven't done so yet, I'd recommend giving those a spin.
By mhenein - 10/28/2015
Thank you! That worked! Is there a way though that I can add text to this. I would like a question (the same page) to appear on each page along with the picture. I'm not sure if that is possible from the tutorials I have looked at.
By Dave - 10/29/2015
Of course that's possible. Set up a <text> element containing your question(s) and display it via /stimulusframes along with the <picture>. /stimulusframes and -times are not restricted to displaying only a single stimulus, you can display however many you want or need.
By mhenein - 11/2/2015
Thank you, Dave!
By mhenein - 11/2/2015
Thank you, Dave!