Millisecond Forums

Skip survey page doesn't work when going back and forth

By robgommans - 11/8/2015

Hi all,

I have a survey with a couple of pages. One of these pages has a skip, which skips the page in case the user answered "no" on a question in a previous page. This works fine, until you allow the user go back to previous pages in the survey. If I change my answer to "No" on the previous page, the subsequent page with the skip is not skipped. Is there any workaround for this?

Thanks for your help!!

<radiobuttons Q1>
/ caption="Do you want to answer the next questions on this survey?"
/ options=("Yes", "No")
/ optionvalues=("1", "0")
/ orientation=vertical
/ required = true

<surveypage Page1>
/ caption="Page 1"
/ questions=[1=Q1]

<surveypage Page2>
/ caption="Page 2"
/ questions=[1=Q2, Q3, etc]
/ skip = [radiobuttons.Q1.response == 0]

<survey Pages>
/ pages=[1=Page1,Page2]
/ showbackbutton = true

By Dave - 11/8/2015

No, the only workaround would be to disable back-navigation entirely.