Millisecond Forums

Linking stimuli between blocks

By lexy - 8/5/2008

Hi there,


I was wondering whether anyone may be able to help me. My apologies if I’m not being clear here – I’m very much an Inquisit beginner. I’m looking to link stimuli between blocks. Is this at all possible? If so, what type of code would I be looking at? In essence (this is the amended version) I’d like to link A to B and 1 to 2, but A is presented about 3 blocks earlier than B, and 1 3 blocks earlier than B (in the same block). Whilst A and 1 need to be randomised in the first block.


I have this in the 1st block

<sound block1>

/ items = ("Sound Files\A", "Sound Files\1")

/ select = noreplace

/ playthrough = true



And this in the 2nd block

<sound block 6>

/ items = ("Sound Files\B", "Sound Files\2")

/ select = linked(block1)

/ playthrough = true



But I keep getting the message: /select: Could not locate element 'sound'.


I’ve tried manipulating the text provided under the Inquisit Help Index Option “Select” but with no success.


I’ve also tried creating blocks to see whether I could create two sets of blocks (instructions, stimulus, questions) and randomise the stimulus part, but I’m having problems getting the <exp> section to actually randomise a group of blocks within a set of blocks.


Can anyone help here?


Thank you!
