By EAS - 11/16/2015
I want to use the inquisit script for Cyberball (3 players, Inquisit 4) for an experiment in university. For my experiment I need two conditions: exclusion and inclusion condition. The Cyberball script offers only one condition (I decided to name it "inclusion"), so I added the other condition (exclusion) with the help of the groupassignment attribute:
<expt Inclusion> / subjects = (1 of 2) / groupassignment = random / blocks = [1=instructions; 2=game] /onexptend = [values.completed = 1] </expt>
<expt Exclusion> / subjects = (2 of 2) / groupassignment = random / blocks = [1=instructions; 2=game_excl] /onexptend = [values.completed = 1] </expt>
During the cyberball game the names of the two other "players" and the participant himself are shown, so that the participant can click on these names to decide to whom he/she wants to throw the ball. In the inclusion condition the names are shown, but in the newly created exclusion condition there aren't any names. The value.showlabel is set on true in general, so I don't understand why it doesn't work for the exclusion condition. Can someone help me?
I added my script to this post, maybe it's easier to understand what I mean.
Thanks a lot for your help in advance!! Alexa
By Dave - 11/16/2015
<trial start_excl> /ontrialbegin = [values.player = 1] /ontrialbegin = [if (values.showpictures == true) { trial.start.insertstimulusframe(picture.player1, 1); trial.start.insertstimulusframe(picture.player2, 1); trial.start.insertstimulusframe(picture.player3, 1)}] /ontrialbegin = [if (values.showlabels == true) { trial.start.insertstimulusframe(text.player1label, 1); trial.start.insertstimulusframe(text.player2label, 1); trial.start.insertstimulusframe(text.player3label, 1)}] /ontrialend = [trial.start.resetstimulusframes()] ... </trial>
The logic in your "exclusion" <trial> references and adds the labels etc. to the wrong <trial> -- the *regular* (inclusion) <trial start>. You'll want those injected into trial.start_excl.
By EAS - 11/16/2015
Thank you so much!! Now it works :D