Millisecond Forums

Eye tracking gaze file - columns?

By eeep - 11/16/2015

Using the Inquisit plugin for Tobii, we are having trouble understanding the eye tracking data file generated. The Tobii SDK explains some of the columns, but others it does not. Question: Could you tell us the difference between (using left eye as an example): 

leftpixelx,y,z  compared to  focuspixelx,y  compared to  leftgazex,y,z compared to lefteyex, y, z ?

Judging from the output files, I assume it is not  possible to record saccadic eye movements directly (but we would have to define these post-data acquisition), right?

Thank you for any help on this matter.


By eeep - 11/17/2015

Does anyone have any information on this? It would be really helpful to get some hints (the same holds for the outputs produced by your Tobii samples) . Please also let me know if you require any additional details...

By Dave - 11/17/2015

We have published a documentation topic here that will hopefully answer those questions:
By eeep - 11/19/2015

Great, thanks a lot, I did no see this document before!
By Dave - 11/19/2015

You did not miss it, it has only been published recently. Sorry that wasn't sufficiently clear in my previous reply.
By Willem - 10/8/2017

Thanks for the posting of the document. I do, however, have one question that I do not see answered in that document, and that's what the coordinates mean. Is it the same as Inquisit's default coordinate system, with (0, 0) meaning the top left corner?
By eeep - 10/8/2017

Willem - Monday, October 9, 2017
Thanks for the posting of the document. I do, however, have one question that I do not see answered in that document, and that's what the coordinates mean. Is it the same as Inquisit's default coordinate system, with (0, 0) meaning the top left corner?

0 0 is top left