By DCole9 - 12/16/2015
Hi all- I need a way to keep track of a participant's score on each visit and total those numbers (their compensation for the experiment). This would work best if completely automated but I am not sure how to do this. I was thinking if I could somehow output a textfile along with the standard data file I could then use <include> to read in the textfile to be used in totaling the subject's compensation. Is there any pointers you might be able to give me to accomplish automatically totaling a subject's scores on a task over multiple visits? Without any manual input?
Thanks, Dan
By Dave - 12/16/2015
Whether this is perhaps possible at all depends on how you collect data:
(1) If via Inquisit Web: The <include> option is not applicable. The only thing you could *maybe* do is pass the relevant information out at the end of the experiment via a URL query parameter to a website under your control. Said website would have to extract the information from the query parameter(s) and store / aggregate it.
(2) If via Inquisit Lab: You can potentially create a program that parses a participants data file, extracts the relevant info, formats it into Inquisti syntax and thus enables any subsequent script(s) to <include> that information. See e.g. for a previous discussion with some pointers / a simple example.