Millisecond Forums

D-score for second blocks missing

By kerryneus - 12/17/2015


I've done a couple of complete run-throughs of my IAT, but the data output I get each time shows no values for expressions.db . On the other hand, expressions.da is showing values for the compatibletest1, compatibletest2, targetincompatiblepractice, incompatibletest1 and incompatibletest2. Should targetincompatiblepractice be included in the calculations of D?

I am using Inquisit's "IAT with Word Stimuli" template.
By Dave - 12/17/2015

Expressions.da is the d score from just the practice (i.e., first) blocks for both pairings. (compatibletest1 and incompatibletest1)

Expressions.db is the d score from just the test (i.e. second) blocks for both pairings. (compatibletest2 and incompatibletest2)

The raw data files contain the D-scores calculating on a running, trial-by-trial basis in the respective columns. Since D-scores are difference scores, the db column will only contain values once there actually *is* data available from both compatibletest2 and incompatibletest2.

The pure target- and attribute practice blocks do *not* factor into calculating D at all.